While "The Gamers" is an example of an independent film "studio" in its infancy, this cleverly scripted comedy illustrates the brilliant potential that Dead Gentlemen has to offer. Some of that potential is realized in the sequel (complete with a much higher production value), "Dorkness Rising," and may come to full fruition in future sequels. I'm not just blowing smoke either. As professional in a long-standing relationship with independent film, I can qualifiedly say that as "The Gamers" may be executed with all of the initial expertise of a school AV club, it rises above and beyond. It makes us eager to see what next shall come. As the poet says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." "The Gamers" proves to be a strong first step for Dead Gentlemen Productions. Keep up the good work, friends. Ars gratia artis!