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Fortitude: the Legendary 139 $4.99
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Fortitude: the Legendary 139
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Fortitude: the Legendary 139
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by Zachary B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2016 11:50:12

Overall, I really enjoyed this inexpensive supplement. The Lifepath for making a Legendary 139 was a lot of fun. The supplement loses one star because I was getting confused throughout the Lifepath for when the supplement controlled versus when the core book controlled. I would have preferred the steps in the Lifepath reference or overwrite the same steps in the core. I felt that would have made things a lot clearer. However, I really liked the 139's special aspects, like their Keeps (special sanctuary) and their Mirrors (a copy of you in the 139, but "wrong"). I also like how there are examples throughout the Lifepath for when you need inspiration.

The other part of the book is split in to a multitude of Arcs. Here Moran really shows how elegant her Quest/Arc system can be as she takes two sets of 5 quests and turns them in to a plurality of storied arcs, each with also their own fun example which really clarified the top down approach to tuning quests to the theme of the arc. I particularly liked the Moon Rabbit arc, which reminded me a lot of the classic "The Little Prince" book.

Overall, I am really impressed with the supplement and running a whole campaign for it just based on it. Until Chuubo's first full fledged campaign is officially released this and the Halloween Special, I feel, are critical to really seeing what Chuubo's can do.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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