The prestige class is a common component of many books. There has been a great deal of talk though on them. People find they can be hard to use and hard to incorporate in their world. Prestige classes can represent special training, insight, organizations, or just a specialization. They are versatile and that seems to cause problems with people that want them to only be one thing. This book is not about prestige classes, it is about a single prestige class. But it presents it in a way that is easier to use then most others. Its advantage is that while most classes take up a page or so this one class is five pages.
Blind Path is the first in what seems to be a series of PDFs called Liber Sodalitas. It is the first product by Highmoon Media Productions. It is a small PDF coming in at only six pages one of which is the OGL. The art is good but there is only a single picture. Layout is good and basic. There are no borders or other fancy items that will cause this to eat a lot of ink when printed. There are bookmarks.
The Blind Path is a prestige class for blind people. The class has a specific history of how it came to be and how the teachers spread the world of the teachings. The creator of the Blind Path is a woman known as Mang-Ren. She was a woman who tried to manipulate and get to a place higher then her birth would indicate and was eventually punished for it. The book gives a nice description and history of it all. The punishment included being blinded and goes into how she learned to live with it. While the class itself does make up for being blind one thing not covered is that blindness is really easy to cure in the typical D&D game being a third level cleric spell. A cleric will have access to curing the blindness before the character can qualify for this class. It would have been nice to have some alternative blindness rules that made blindness a little harder to fix.
The class itself is simple and nicely focused. It helps the blind person being able to see without sight. It offers a decent amount of skills, okay base attack bonus, and two good saves. The character gains blind sight and awareness like abilities making him hard to flank and eventually even able to detect ethereal creatures. I like that the abilities all focus on seeing without sight and not incorporating anything martial art like or magical. The class might be considered a little on the weak side as the abilities are all passive in nature, but in a lower powered game this could be a great character concept to explore.
The class and history and easy to use and should fit nicely in most campaigns. I like that the teachings come from a single person originally and have that NPC stated out and ready to be used. This is a good fully developed and described class.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>