Though I haven't playtested this yet, it looks pretty cool; it's got an overall model like CoC: "skills" are in there as the main game mechanic, with a brutal combat system.
It uses the C&C siege engine, basically, with a target number for success and bonuses based on level for your class abilities. Hit point progression goes from a die roll to a flat, small additional HP per level after level 4 or so. You don't get much tougher after a certain point. There's a fairly brutal fumble and crit chart, and a chance of infection from wounds.
Your "skills" are d20 type skills picked from a list, in addition to some class abilities. While it is a very d20ish system in terms of skills, that's much more appropriate to a mystery game than to heroic fantasy. Much less jarring than skills in D&D (I hate skills in D&D).
This game has the feel of an old-time game; it's not fleshed out as much as one might like for a full-scale RPG, but the idea is great and the mechanics are sufficient. I'm interested in possibly playing it like a medieval deadlands or even medieval CoC, and that would be quite esy. Tweaking the game only requires additions, not subtractions.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Combat system and creative game concept are the real standouts here.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: There are several things that could have significantly fleshed out the game for the GM that aren't well covered. The bases are all touched upon, but some things like a walkthrough of the legal process (rather than scattered definitions of the steps involved in a glossary fashion) would have been helpful.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>