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Starmada Core Rulebook
Publisher: Majestic Twelve Games
by Myra V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2024 06:42:25

Straightforward and intuitive gameplay surrounds a robust ship building system that is an absolute delight to play around in, giving you the tools you need to make a wide variety of fleets to fly against each other. A variety of optional rules also allow you to tweak the rules to fit the feel of the universe that you're playing it, giving you the tools you need to play in anything from Babylon 5 to Battlestar Galactica to Star Trek to Star Wars - and well beyond. Combine that with a budget friendly price tag and even the largest games needing no more than a dozen ships, and you have a solid winner that will keep you coming back to the table for more!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Starmada Core Rulebook
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DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: Free Sample Set
Publisher: Fat Dragon Games
by Jared V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/01/2016 16:41:49

The original Dragonlock STLs are a great package, and this new system does nothing but improve on the design. The clips are solid and reliable, and clip in with minor effort after taking some time to break them in. The one thing that would potentially improve the design is if there were a way to mix and match walls and floors - and we will soon have that with the Village sets! Definitely highly recommended, and a great system all around.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: Free Sample Set
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