First, I loved it, and so did my party. However, in critical appraisal, I should mention that when unlocking the chest, the text should probably emphasise that you only need to perform ONE check to disarm the trap, if you find the key on his person. And being a rogue/thief, Giles should definitely have a set of thieve's tools on his person, mentioned in the text, and I think passive perception and Insight scores should be included in the combat stats, as well as the Commoner stats for the performers. A few little proofreading things also could be dealt with, but overall, these are little things here and there, and didn't trip us up at all.
Our experience was a really entertaining one. And NSWF.
Our group are able to play different sexes without being too weird about it (and we don't do chainmail bikinis, though we had a good laugh about that) and we pretty much just roleplayed our way through it, only fighting the first two bandits and then the leader. We got to have two players each playing characters with conflicting views on the situations, and they roleplayed that so well that I awared inspiration (they didn't even fight the performers, they pretty much just leaned in to the roleplaying and not a single weapon was drawn, and the performers had an armed entourage to do their dirty work for them, so the party of adventurers warmed the crowd up, the performers talked business back stage with the spy, and then the players got to read out the lines as the performers, and then the whole group got a private audience because they rolled high (distracting rowdy, mostly male bandits with sexy dances and a seriously inspired Druidcraft trick to light all their torches at once got a standing ovation, and then several bandits would later be in their tents for exactly the reason you're thinking) well, what happens backstage stays backstage.
Only three bandits died in the whole adventure. Now I need to write up a second adventure to deal with the fallout of the power vaccuum the bandits are going to discover in the morning (okay, late afternoon, when their hangovers subside a bit) when the villain doesn't come out for breakfast and no one dares go in because of his rep and it's starting to attract flies or rodents or ants...
That's how fun this adventure is.