Armaments of Legacy is a fantastic product. We truly enjoyed covering this content. We always believe that weapons should be just as recognizable as those that wield them. Thor, Arthur, Jason, and many more. While they are heroes in their own right, their weapons are just as well known. This product is designed to allow the weapons the characters wield to level and improve with them, basically impoving when they hit different tiers of play. The layout is superb, features of the weapons are fun and thematic, and the i absolutely love the inclusion of the Legacy bonds for character creation to tie the weapons to the characters story right from creation. Highly recommended! If, I had one criticism, it would be that some of the weapons ride on the line of being TOO powerful, but this can be easily addressed as DM if you find this to be the case. Listen to our full coverage on Crit Academy. https://www.critacademy.com/post/episode184
If the adventures in the up coming kickstarter are this good, wooooowwweeee look out! What a fun romp. Can't wait to see what else comes from this amazing project. Well done Jeff and James. Keep up the inspirational work.
Another great Resource by Matthew. His work is always fantastic and really gives me the tools to ensure my builds fit and follow similiar WOTC styles. Thank you.
Abolutely adore this project. I grew up on the movies that inspired this fantastic creation and I can see great care went into making sure that the adventures captured the spirit of the Japanese animations it was based on. I really wanted to give this a 5 star, but the many spelling/grammar errors stop it from being a 5 star product for the high price tag. But that shouldn't stop you from picking it up. Check out our full coverage as we walk through our favorites over at Crit Academy. https://www.critacademy.com/post/episode188
I love this product. The quality and work that went into is superb. If you like low magic gritty and serious campaigns, this product is for you. They do a great job of helping reinforce the primitive setting with weapons made out of bones and antlers. The races and classes are flavorful and well thought out. Highly recommend.
You can never go wrong with more magical items. All seem balanced with their rarity. The most notible of these are the Artifacts of the minor gods. This is something that is completely overlooked in the MOT book.
The only con, is the layout is a little dull. There are some magic item images which are nice, but they are integrated in a generic pattern and the awesome artifacts don't have any images to spark those creative juices.
Creator Reply: |
I would be happy to commission more art for the images alas unfortunately this was the limit of my initial budget.
I will send out an updated version if this manages to change, thank you for your interest! |
I really enjoyed this product. I really think it fits well with a sort of espionage or political intrigue game as the ratfolk love their secrets. I can see an entire thieves guild being run by the the Rat King or a wererat. Its low level focus makes it a great way to introduce the characters into secrets, lies and hidden motives. I like that the ratking can buff his minions and unleash psychic attacks. I hope to see more like this.
The only concern i really see is a CR 1 having access to multiattack via a legendary action. I feel this should be a more support feature as it puts its damage pretty high up there for a CR 1. According to the DMG a CR 1 monster shouldn't really be doing more than 9-14 damage per round. Both the mind blast and the short sword do 4d6 each. so 8d6 or 28 damage per round is right up there with a CR 5. I do recommend this product, as a DM I would just be weary of the damage calculation of the monsters.
I am totally a fan of the strength based rogue. This subclass really gives me that beat them with whatever is nearby feel. I love the tie in with improvised weapons and sneak attack, but my favorite is the Meat Shield feature, which basically lets your uncanny dodge to drag an enemy into an attack made for you, something inspired by the bugbear I have no doubts.
The final capstone ability seems a bit mechanically weird, using a contested check to break an enemies spell cast. I think this would have been better as constitution save much like a concentration check, but thats just me.
In any case, this is very cool idea and the mechanics fit well together.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for taking the time to review the Ruffian! We really appreciate the feedback and are very glad to hear you are enjoying the subclass. |
What a fantastic class. First of all, as someone who played the original, I am happy the updates much more streamlined focus. I am a big fan of support characters, even when the class I choose isn't a support focused class. The merchant class allows for great roleplay in towns trying to hock goods or services.
The versatility of this class shows immediately with being able to pick up to artisan's tools and any three skills. The portable storefront is just a fun concept and well developed and functions similar to a bag of holding with a few functional limitations.
The notes really encourage the characters to get creative with the mundane items that can be stored inside, which is a welcome point. Beyond that my favorite feature is bar none the exchangable casting. Being able to give your unused spell slots to another character can be a huge life savor in certain situations. The ability to break higher spell slots into smaller ones to pass out is just too much fun. The archetypes tossed into as merchant guilds just gives more versatility and options to the players.
This is a well done product and highly recommend it. Great work Taron!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for the review! I seriously hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it! |
We absolutely fell in love with this product. We choose review it immediately following our coverage of the Mythic Odysseys of Theros. We did not get enough of Mythic Traits. Luckily Mythic Encounters was ready to deliver. If you're looking for fantastic top tier content to challenge those die hard power gamers, or just enhance the story of combat at high levels, this is the book for you. Check out our entire coverage on our show Crit Academy here. https://youtu.be/LyoBptM0iUQ
A great addition to any nautical adventure. There are 6 fleshed out ships and crews. Short bits of flavor give you a good idea about the ship and her crews personality. Leaving it open enough for you to add your own flair. The statblocks included aren't bad. The verbiage could use some work. The skills reference "you" instead of the monster/NPC's name, which is likely cause they were probably just taken from the player's handbook. All in all a good product.
The only thing that was a little drag was the lack of any artwork. Dmsguild provides ample source of free art and even drivethrurpg has some free or low cost art. A splash of nice art on the interior would be a nice addition.
Creator Reply: |
I thank you for taking the time to read through and critique the product, I agree that it has sorely needed some new eyes on it.
Happy to look into applying the feedback you mentioned in order to improve the product for future users!
Always a pleasure. |
What can I say? This is an all around fantastic piece of material. I instantly fell in love with the beautiful map of Candlekeep. The cool collection of character options were just flying off the shelf at us. This really fleshes out a part of the world that really is only mentioned briefly in the SCAG book. My favorite part was the details and quests to locate books of varying types. This just makes for a great home local for your heroes to work out of it. We all cracked up when we got to the part where the monks don't approve of theft...but pretty much look the other way when it comes to how the characters aqcuired it. lol. We had a blast! Highly recommend. Check out our full coverage on Crit Academy: https://www.critacademy.com/post/elminster-s-candlekeep-companion
First, I just want to say this has soooo much flavor. The details and lore are absolutely fantastic. I love any additions to the sorceror and this scratches a very cool itch. No longer is the wizard and warlocks the sole owners of the find familiar spell. This uses the symbiosis very well and in a unique manner. I like that the slaad tadpole has its own stat block for DMs like me to toss into my campain as a body snatcher. lol.
Now, onto some opportunities for improvement. I think the layout is a bit bland. A few more art pieces could have really spiced it up. There are a few weird wordings that don't really jive with the wotc format, making it kinda difficult to decipher, even making me think it was written incorrectly.
All in all a fantastic creation. Well done.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for your review! We're so happy to hear that we've filled a niche you've been looking for.
Do you mind telling us more about the wordings you had an issue with? Ease of use and understanding is important to us. |
What a great supplement to your D&D campaign. This collection of eldritch options is not only well done from balance, but also flavor. The Far Realm isn't something that comes up often, the alien nature of its twisted horrors is captured beautifully in this great supplement. I mean...who doesn't want to play a terrorizing bard am I right? Make great content for a great price. Well done!
This product was my first experience with the Amarune's Almanac series, and just...wow! I was totaly blown away by the in depth lore into the underdark, as well as the well thought out and designed player options. This was truly a delight to read. Delving my mind into the the caves, caverns and darkness of the underdark. If you're looking for a great companion for the Out of the Abyss adventures, or just want to dive into the Underdark, then make sure to pick up on this Almanac! Makes me excited to pick up the other books in the series.