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Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells Compiled (3pp+PRD) $33.99
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Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells Compiled (3pp+PRD)
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Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells Compiled (3pp+PRD)
Publisher: Echelon Game Design
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/11/2022 09:24:13

Originally posted here:

Today I want to explore the amazing reference that is the Echelon Reference Series from Keith Davies. There are a bunch of these, but I am going to focus my attention on the witch.

Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells Compiled (3pp+PRD)

2 PDFs. $33.99. 186 pages (PF) and 544 pages (3PP).

Yes. 730 pages total. This compiled collection covers both spells from various Pathfinder products and the 3rd Party Pathfinder products. There is no fluff. Very little art. Here is how each book breaks down. There is a cover page, and OGL statement of Open Content page, a table of contents, and two pages on what this book is. For the Pathfinder book there is three pages of OGL. For the 3rd Party book there are seven pages for the OGL. There is a hyperlinked index for both and hyperlinked table of contents.

The rest is solid text of spells.

And by spells. I mean every single witch spell ever published by the date of this book. The 3rd Party book for example has nearly 30 pages of cantrips, 50 pages of 1st level spells, 60 2nd level spells and so on.

The spells are given an editorial clean-up so that they all look similar and can flow well.

What these books lack (and were never trying to cover) is all the fluff or explanatory pieces that might go with the background of a spell. For example "Air Bubble" mentions a firearm can be loaded within an Air Bubble, but makes no attempt to explain anything more. This is perfectly within the scope of this product.

The number of spells break down as follows:

Witch 3pp Cantrips: 123
1st level: 200
2nd level: 251
3rd level: 221
4th level: 188
5th level: 163
6th level: 142
7th level: 131
8th level: 122
9th level: 109 Total 1,650

Witch Prd Cantrips: 15
1st level: 83
2nd level: 107
3rd level: 88
4th level: 70
5th level: 51
6th level: 39
7th level: 40
8th level: 28
9th level: 22 Total 543

That's insane really.

He also has these per level and for every spell casting class in Pathfinder.

You might ask if you buy this does that get rid of the need to buy other Pathfinder spell books? I say no since there is nothing here but the spells. Other products often have the spells, explanatory notes, monsters, feats, and items that might go with them. These books are a fancy SRDs. Highly organized and very useful ones at that.

If you are like me this is a treasure trove.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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