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Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells IX (3pp+PRD) $1.99
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Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells IX (3pp+PRD)
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Echelon Reference Series: Witch Spells IX (3pp+PRD)
Publisher: Echelon Game Design
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/11/2022 09:56:00

Full review of all the products in this series can be found here:

Two books. One straight from the Pathfinder SRD and the other from all other 3rd Party spells. Both books cover 9th level spells. The Pathfinder book has 22 spells. The Third Party book has 109 spells. Total of 60 pages. Fully hyperlinked index and full OGL. Very useful for every Pathfinder GM and for witch characters.

All of these represents a lot of hard work on the part of the author to collate all of these spells and get them into proper shape.

Choose this product if all you need are 9th level Witch Spells.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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