TL;DR: I higly recommend Wyrmwell Flame for DMs and players seeking a challenging and engaging adventure. Its unique approach to combat, creative puzzle(s), and dramatic conclusion make it a standout experience.
I ran this module for the first time recently, and I already have two more sessions of this planned for my AL server.
My players enjoyed this module, and I really enjoyed running this module. It's not your typical module where Tier 3 PCs can just walk all over whatever monsters you throw at them. The encounters become more and more challenging as the module progresses, and it wasn't completely all about which PC could hit the monsters the most or the hardest which I greatly appreciate. It was a module that required the players to think creatively and to use teamwork and their wits against the interesting mechanics and monsters presented throughout.
The final encounter was super neat as it required thinking outside the box, and during my first run of this, the PCs came up with an epic solution to the puzzle without having to fight the BBEG. The final battle could devolve into who can hit the hardest/the most, and there is a very real threat of a TPK adding tension and excitement! It pays true homage to one of the biggest, badest BBEGs in the history of Faerun there ever was.
Several beautiful, high-quality maps are included in the module that are easily incorporated into a VTT.
As an added bonus, the author kindly reached out to me after the session to see how it went. Haven't had that happen before. (Thank you, Luis!)
This module took us five hours after skipping one encounter based on the player's creative use of their abilities. It could easily go six plus hours if you do everything as written.
If you'd like a fun module in your repertoire, I highly recommend Wyrmwell Flame!