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Treat or Trick $2.00
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Treat or Trick
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Treat or Trick
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mitch B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2023 21:53:12

Great piece! For my squad of three 3rd level players it took 2-3 sessions, but I also hadnt DMed in a while and I expanded the story a bit. Either way, they loved the story and the way the activities connected to the battle finale!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Treat or Trick
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Dakota S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/22/2021 10:57:09

I'm a new DM with 5 new PCs. We just started DOIP and they all requested something spooky for Halloween. I did some digging and Treat or Trick seemed like the perfect adventure to blend into Phandalin. I replaced all of the NPCs in the adventure with characters the PCs have met so far, and added an in-person ritual for the players to complete at the end to reverse the curse. They had a BLAST! The minigames at the beginning set a really fun, campy tone, but then some of the combat encounters later really heated things up. As a new DM, I sincerely appreciated the advice on how to make combat more or less difficult per level. My players loved smashing their pumpkins in the cemetary during that great battle! HIGHLY RECOMMEND for your Halloween one shot!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Treat or Trick
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Derrick B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/02/2018 15:45:20

i ran this for my party for the second session of our new campaign running Phandelver. The night the party arrived in Phandalin happened to be the night of Highharvestide. My players, mostly veterans, were instantly suspicious of having to don costumes, but they all got into the spirit of the thing. Lots of fun interacting with NPCs and trying to outdo each other in the contests. I changed it so that Carp Alderleaf, the little halfling boy from Phandalin, was in his early teen years and blooming with latent sorcerous ability, which the sorcerer in the party recognized. There was a fun twist when they realized that Carp was the one behind the whole thing, and it prompted them to adopt him as a new adventurer for a time. Overall a great adventure with lots of fun items and encounters. Easily dropped into an existing campaign for a quick night a not-so spooky Halloween fun!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Treat or Trick
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Austin F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2016 20:51:32

Used this as part of a homebrew 5e campaign for a Halloween one-shot. Really liked the components, players had fun and overall very happy with the module.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Treat or Trick
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Stephanie B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2016 11:53:22

I ran this for a home campaign of 2 level-1 player characters for Halloween. Modified the adventure a bit because of the small group size, and to adjust for arachnophobia that the younger player has.

This is a really well-written Halloween-themed adventure for low levels and new players. In fact, as a "first adventure" it is almost flawless. It does an excellent job of introducing the mechanics of D&D 5e in the first half of the adventure, where the stakes are very low. Learning how to roll a to-hit number in the festival games was an excellent primer for our new player, and I liked the way the games were echoed later as encounters in the adventure.

For the pumpkin carving portion of the adventure, I handed out pumpkin outlines for the players to design and draw their own carvings, and then let them roll with advantage on their skill checks.

Reading through the module is very important, of course, for all DMs and all modules, but this module is quick and to the point. In the second half of this adventure, there is a potentially lethal CR2 encounter which brand new players may not realize is above their pay grades. I dealt with this by having an NPC comment "Oh, yeah, that looks like a __. I wouldn't get close if I were you. Those things are deadly." If the party has at least 4 players and average level of 2-3, it's much less deadly and you wouldn't need that warning.

Similarly, with only 2 players, I needed to adjust a certain monster to delay a particular mechanism it has. Mathematically, 2 players with only 1 attack each can't realistically affect them fast enough to succeed in the encounter.

Every encounter has advice for increasing or decreasing the difficulty, which was very helpful as a DM. There wasn't a lot of box text, and I had a lot of leeway in describing the townsfolk, giving the players many role-playing encounters to engage with, and seeding a future adventure with some key NPCs they will meet in future adventures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Treat or Trick
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Lee W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/30/2016 11:44:04

This is a great adventure! I purchased it about two hours before I was to DM a game for two friends last night. Wanting a Halloween-ish adventure, I thought this would do nicely. It did.

Kudos to the author: at seven pages, it was easily digestible and full of seeds for ideas. It gives off a "take it and run with it vibe" for the DM. It gives suggestions on ways to take the game, but leaves the choice to the players and DM.

There is just enough detail to get the mind racing with ideas, and thankfully the author didn't get bogged down in too much backstory, NPCs, etc. that can make a short adventure impossible to run if you don't have much preparation time as a DM (example: there are only two NPCs of note necessary to remember any detail about).

I sunk about 15 - 20 minutes into reading this thing, and (non-consecutively, I might add), and I was extremely comfortable running it for my friends. We had such a good time, that I had to come clean that it wasn't my own adventure just to give credit to the author.

I will actively seek out more work by him in hopes they are as easily digestable and enjoyable as this one!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Treat or Trick
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Justin I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2016 17:31:10

Trick or Treat is a short (7 page ) Halloween themed adventure for 5E that can be found at the Dungeon Masters Guild. It's rather simple, but festive and fun. The party comes across a small town celebrating Reaping Day (a fall harvest and honouring the dead festival).The festival includes a haunted house, bugbear dunking game, and pumpkin carving contest. Unfortunately when a ritual is miscast by a clueless townsfolk member, people become their costumes.

I've read through the adventure and it seems like a fun romp. If you want something spoopy (and I mean spoopy, not spooky) and have two bucks to spare, you should pick this up.

I did notice a minor proofreading oversight. The Nightmare Before Christmas is attributed to "Time Burton."

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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