The complete lack of the detailed poster map from the original version at 8 miles a hex scale is just shoddy bit of work.
With 4 pages with just the words "Notes" at the top and rest blank it would have easily been possible to do something better, changing the layout so there could be a version of said map as two 2-page spreads to show the detailed map for example.
Alternately, knowing that the product is incomplete in this format, a link to an official downloadable version of the poster map should be available.
The white space around each page because someone couldn't be bothered to resize tthe scans is another annoyance.
After all it's not like the pages were crammed full of detail before this with the borders all being over a inch wide
An addition of the errata from Dragon magazine would have been nice too, but didn't really expect that
If cutting corners like this is the new standard for the reissue of older TSR product, how many people will be going online looking for earlier versions with the map and not bothering to pay for an incomplete reissue?