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Castle Falkenstein: Curious Creatures
Publisher: Fat Goblin Games
by Stephen K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/17/2016 07:14:14

Curious Creatures, Fat Goblin's first print product for Castle Falkenstein, is a fine addition to the line and gives me great hopes for its continuation. It ably follows the style of prior books in combining a running fictional narrative with in-game asides and rules material. Although the bulk of the book is a "monster manual" with listings of creatures and their game traits, it is also packed with setting and adventure ideas and includes a small, but substantial appendix of Host Characters and Dramatic Character archetypes. It's a triffle odd that the print-on-demand edition has no spine text. I'll also note my initial print copy had a registration error on the cover, but Fat Goblin was quick to respond and offer a replacement copy, which corrected the problem. If you are a fan of Castle Falkenstein, then you most definitely want a copy of this book. I look forward to the publisher's upcoming offerings for the game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Castle Falkenstein: Curious Creatures
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Solve et Coagula: A Practical Guide to Alchemy
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Stephen K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/25/2016 14:04:36

Solve et Coagula does the thing you want a product on a niche subject like alchemy to do, namely give you more than you expect. Its pages are positiely packed with useful content and ideas for both players and DMs, while grounding those ideas in the setting of the Forgotten Realms (although it is easy to export them to other D&D settings). If you're at all interested in the subject of alchemy for your games, you owe it to yourself to pick up this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solve et Coagula: A Practical Guide to Alchemy
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