Fabulous series. Lovingly presented and nice on the eye. Perfect for an hour or so adventuring per night. Have done the first three adventures with the same character and they are still alive!
Not really played in Faerun before and this series really helps to get a feel of the setting. Great work. Looking forward to completing the other modules.
This is great fun. Lovely supplement. But you'd expect that given the pedigree of the writers. Can't fault it as aa great supplement for my favourite setting.
Creator Reply: |
Nice update on Dragon Pass. Well presented as usual with these products. Maps are very nice.
I think this is really good. This has been one of my favourite parts of Faerun since the first supplement on Moonshae. Nicely done.
Excellent product. Perfect for anyone playing a Dragonmarked character. Great work.
Loving this. I have been DM'ing in Eberron for 14 years and just got in to solo gaming as the real world has left me with no players. This really is excellent, well presented, well thought out, and fun. The author also has a depth of knowledge of Eberron that immerses you in the setting and makes you feel like you are in an Eberron novel or film. excellent. More please.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks so much Darren! Feedback like this means everything to us small-scale publishers. I should definitely write another Eberron solo quest. |
It is the monster manual done Kobold Press's way. Great artwork. I like the tales of the valiant stuff. A great option if you are fed up with the owners of the most famous RPG in the world and their recent antics
I think this is an excellent product. Lovely artwork as always. Nice to see someone rivaling WoC with the quality of the product. Really like the new barbarian and fighter classes. Our players seem to like it too. A great alternative to WoC.
This is great. Not only is it a really good adventure for Vaesen, but extremely well researched from someone with a passion for the folklore of a region of England that is rarely explored in RPG's. If you are from the region (as I, and my fellow players, are) then the real places make it a lovely read and will make the adventure very atmospheric. Nice!
This is really,really, good. The style and presentation is excellent. They have become an immediate favourite with our playing group. The depth it adds to the characters is really good and the players have found it really helps them flesh out thier character. The Runic Personality is our favourite amd all our players have really thought out why the runes are important to them and how they affect the characters personality, and, how the player plays them.
They also keep the character story live - without wearing out pieces oof paper. My daughter went through it and said that "it is amazing".
This is really,really, good. The style and presentation is excellent. They have become an immediate favourite with our playing group. The depth it adds to the characters is really good and the players have found it really helps them flesh out thier character. The Runic Personality is our favourite amd all our players have really thought out why the runes are important to them and how they affect the characters personality, and, how the player plays them.
They also keep the character story live - without wearing out pieces oof paper. My daughter went through it and said that "it is amazing".
Just what I have been looking for. A part of Glorantha where the characters can belong to Lunar and Orlanthi cults side by side. We have tried Lunar characters in Dragon Pass and they just dont seem to work. Detailed, intelligent and full of the deep richness of Glorantha. Players are enjoying creating characters with the rich character histories. I am scribbling lots of adventure ideas and localised background inspired by this book. I find I get creative when given this standard of products. Great stuff. Thank you
Creator Reply: |
Excellent! Glad you and your players are finding it fun and of use. And feel free to let me know if you have any questions. |
I had spmehow never heaard of this, and that is aa shame. I was looking for something different, yet famiuliar. I found it here. Superb system and an interesting setting. Not only that - I ordered the soft cover book and it arrived within 3 days.
Mythras is a greaat games system and this is the perfect way to use that rules system in a Sci-fi setting. Very intelligently put together. It was easy to generate characcters and get started. Hope there will be more adventures for it.
This is really good stuff. It is often difficult to make wilderness adventures interesting and this helps immensely - regardless of what system you use. Its title sums it up. Worth every penny. Thank you.