Awesome system, feels like an old school game but throws out all the mechanics you're used to and replaces them with stuff that makes the game way more fun for players. Combat is interesting and active without becoming the forefront of the game or overrun with fiddly bits. Even basic actions like stealth become their own minigames that offer meaningful choices to players. It is challenging to wrap your head around the first time, and it requires a lot of the GM to fill in the gaps (e.g., there is a whole mechanic for mutations, and the author does not provide a table for said mutations, you just have to come up with it yourself). It is also not easy to convert older content to the system, as the chasiss it's based on is very different from DnD and adjacent systems. If you can get past that content and learning curve, it is an absolute blast to run. Even if you don't like it at the end, there are so many good ideas here you can take and implement in your retroclone of choice.