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Winter's Woe: An Adventure for Forbidden Lands
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Ariel [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2024 05:22:54

The AI art is a disappointment. The rest of the module seems okay

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Winter's Woe: An Adventure for Forbidden Lands
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Creator Reply:
Hi Ariel, thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We appreciate you checking out the Armored Storyteller. We are hoping to earn enough to contract artists for future releases, and feel your comment is not unfair. We're just a two person operation trying to bring the community some adventuring fun. Be well. - John
Torches Zine #1
Publisher: Chestnut Publishing
by Ariel [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/18/2024 19:52:34

There just isn't a lot worth looking at here or using, even for the price.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Torches Zine #1
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Neoclassical Geek Revival Acidic 2nd Edition
Publisher: Zzarchov Kowolski
by Ariel A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/12/2022 09:46:59

Awesome system, feels like an old school game but throws out all the mechanics you're used to and replaces them with stuff that makes the game way more fun for players. Combat is interesting and active without becoming the forefront of the game or overrun with fiddly bits. Even basic actions like stealth become their own minigames that offer meaningful choices to players. It is challenging to wrap your head around the first time, and it requires a lot of the GM to fill in the gaps (e.g., there is a whole mechanic for mutations, and the author does not provide a table for said mutations, you just have to come up with it yourself). It is also not easy to convert older content to the system, as the chasiss it's based on is very different from DnD and adjacent systems. If you can get past that content and learning curve, it is an absolute blast to run. Even if you don't like it at the end, there are so many good ideas here you can take and implement in your retroclone of choice.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neoclassical Geek Revival Acidic 2nd Edition
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Neoclassical Geek Revival Content Guide 2nd Edition
Publisher: Zzarchov Kowolski
by Ariel [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/12/2022 09:30:12

This is a solid resource for very non-essential game content you can refer to for your NGR game, including a handful of sample magic items, monsters, traps, religions, and spells you might add to your game. Most beneficial by far is the NPC section, as building even a generic level 0 bandit enemy or whatever can take a while in NGR. There is also a robust set of wilderness encounter tables which I will definitely be using both in and outside of NGR. I would've liked a bit more examples of monsters, but otherwise good stuff

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neoclassical Geek Revival Content Guide 2nd Edition
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The Lost Tomb
Publisher: Workhorse RPG Studio
by Ariel A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/12/2022 08:01:16

A very solid adventure for a great system. There's nothing in here that you probably haven't seen before if you've run lots of old school modules before, but for what it is it's a fun dungeon crawl with all the usual suspects in terms of monsters and traps, as well as a few new ones not included in the core book. Interestingly, a handful of optional rules for dungeon crawling not part of the corebook are included here which I actually do like and will probably include in my eventual run of the system. I think this would be in particular a great starter dungeon for anyone who has never GMed before and is just looking for an easy way to start.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Lost Tomb
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Publisher: FrostByte Books
by Ariel A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/12/2022 07:54:59

In here is basically everything a growing sci-fi GM needs to run a rune quest-ish campaign in space. Included are a modified ruleset based on Mythras to better account for a sci-fi setting, as well as optional rules for more simplified combat. In addition, there is an entire section on alien creation, guide to creating cultures through "circles", and even a planet generator. The art inside is also gorgeous and very evocative of the kind of space opera setting that the system sort of defaults around (although it should serve fine in any sci-fi setting). The only absence to the book is perhaps a more beginner-friendly GM guide on running a sci-fi setting and the kind of goals players might have in those settings. Otherwise, this is an excellent book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Dwimmermount (Labyrinth Lord version)
Publisher: Autarch
by Ariel A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2021 12:53:39

Very excellent megadungeon, extremely easy to run and much more gonzo than meets the eye (although not quite to the extent of something like Anomolous Subsurface Environment or similar modules). Highly recommended

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dwimmermount (Labyrinth Lord version)
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Deep Carbon Observatory - Remastered
Publisher: False Machine Publishing
by Ariel A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2021 11:33:17

Perfect. Quality of life fixes for the original adventure, which was already excellent to begin with. One of my favorite adventures and potential campaign starters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deep Carbon Observatory - Remastered
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