M-space |
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I just stumbled upon this book and am absolutely amazed at what a beautiful creation this is! I've spent much time consuming various sci-fi RPGs over the decades, always trying to find the "perfect" sci-fi system that would allow me to adapt it to whatever type of vibe or sci-fi genre I want. My sci-fi go-to was always Traveller, as it was the closest thing to what I desired and had just an incredible amount of materials available for game masters.
For sci-fi RPGs, what I've always looked for is something that is openended, not locked to a specific setting, flexible for various styles of play, with options for creating any tech level or universe or type of sci-fi worlds that I want, and has a nice system for character creation and development. I want something that sparks my imagination and allows me to build whatever I want for my players. M-Space is this exactly and I think now that I like the use of Mythras/d100's mechanics even better than Traveller's 2d6 system. As a fan of Call of Cthulhu, I have always enjoyed the d100 mechanics and its style of character building.
Something like Stars without Numbers is also great, however to me, skill-based systems always fit sci-fi RPGs much better than class-based systems. And while I love Traveller, the 2d6 mechanics sometimes frustrates me a little, especially with regards to character building and development. In the late 1980s and early 90s I also really enjoyed the SpaceMaster RPG, as that gave me much of what I wanted in terms of character building and development. However SpaceMaster/RoleMaster has an incredible amount of crunch, you really have to love charts, and it can be a bit unwieldy to do things on the fly or to convert materials from other systems to use with it.
In reading through M-Space, this feels like it is that perfect mix of everything! It reminds me a bit of both Traveller and SpaceMaster, and enables me to use materials from both of these systems or really from any other RPG system, even if I wanted to take materials from something like TSR's Gamma World setting. I can easily repurpose my large collection of old original Traveller content, which can adapt perfectly to M-Space with some tweaking of things. With M-Space, I can run a game that takes place in a setting like Frank Herbert's Dune novels, or something more like Star Wars, or Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, or even a setting like Majipoor from Robert Silverberg's Lord Vallentine's Castle. The Mythras-style rules are crisp, clear, and openended enough that I can really use what I like, ignore what I don't want to use, and make this game my very own. The character building and development have just the right feel to me. Combat and conflict resolution has just the right amount of crunch to me, but still with enough simplicity and with an old school feel that I crave.
And for the product itself -- this book is just beautiful with evocative art through, art of a style that has just enough hints to make my mind envision really cool sci-fi settings, but not confining me to someone else's vision or a particular setting. I also really love the size and dimensions of this book! I'm not a huge fan of the bigger US Letter size type hardbacks and have really enjoyed A5 hardback sizes that are more common today, but this particular form factor for M-Space I may like even better! It's easy to hold and thumb through, yet each page has enough space to really pack in content.
In summary, this is just a fantastic looking game with beautiful art and great design. Such a lovely book and I can't believe I did not know about this one sooner! Well done.
If you want to run a game of M-Space, you will have to do the heavy lifting, create a lot of stats and build the entire setting yourself - from the broad strokes of the setting down to how much a set of armour weighs. Items are not even matched to a particular tech level, although those are defined.
What is there just really falls far short of both the level of specificity and detail that I expected from a sci-fi game; but even by skimping on details it still doesn't cover the breadth of science fiction styles or subgenres that it can properly emulate.
The odd square page dimensions bother me. The internal art does not have a cohesive style.
"You only need this book to play" is a joke.
In short, this is a toolbox, not a [game + setting] the way many other competing products are.
While I was writing this I found the segments of text on tech levels were taken straight from Traveller.
Creator Reply: |
Hi Scott, I'm sorry to hear M-SPACE did not match your expectations. Let me know if you want a refund.
The book does not come with a specific setting to keep the game open-ended, as stated in the introduction, much like Traveller RPG back in the early 1980s. If needed, there are additional books with scenarios and campaigns to get started. The use of Traveller's Tech Levels is my hommage to Marc Miller and the world's first sci-fi RPG, as I write in the book. |
In here is basically everything a growing sci-fi GM needs to run a rune quest-ish campaign in space. Included are a modified ruleset based on Mythras to better account for a sci-fi setting, as well as optional rules for more simplified combat. In addition, there is an entire section on alien creation, guide to creating cultures through "circles", and even a planet generator. The art inside is also gorgeous and very evocative of the kind of space opera setting that the system sort of defaults around (although it should serve fine in any sci-fi setting). The only absence to the book is perhaps a more beginner-friendly GM guide on running a sci-fi setting and the kind of goals players might have in those settings. Otherwise, this is an excellent book.
Mythras is a greaat games system and this is the perfect way to use that rules system in a Sci-fi setting. Very intelligently put together. It was easy to generate characcters and get started. Hope there will be more adventures for it.
no big pictures of aliens in this core book, but a deep feeling of vast possibilites. rules allows a lot of flexibities. You can manage a world wild and dark or better a more funny place like star wars, but if you pay attention, you can develop a world with a lot of poetry and strange meetings.
Over the years, I've wanted to run a sci fi campaign, and I have collected A LOT of different games in hopes of getting one to launch with my group. Alien RPG, Stars Without Numbers, Eclipse Phase, 40k games, Star Wars FFG, Traveller, etc. An eclectic mix to say the least. The reason I love M-space, is because it's a versatile toolkit that helps me tell any store in any tone that I like.
The rules mechanisms are beautiful and easy to learn (Disclosure: I dig d%, skills-based games). The Special Effects aspect of combat seems a bit tricky from a learning curve perspective, but also adds some flair to combat. Starship/vehicle design, alien and world design, this game has exactly what I need at the perfect level of abstraction:detail that I need.
What I love most about this game, is that I can take any published adventure in any of the different systems I noted above and easily convert those adventures into M-space. This means my sci fi exploration campaign can land my team of players anywhere and I can radicaly change tone to reflect a new world or the party's mood.
Being very expierenced GM that I am, I hate being dictated by the rules on how should I run my games, which is the reason I don't really buy into modern RPG design. BRP family is one of a kind; a tabletop-rules systems that is what RPGs were supposed to be in my eyes - a toolbox of rules and statistics that paves the way to our imaginations and helps bringing balance to the adventures and worlds that we create. No more, no less. This is what M-SPACE truely is. It is a complete system, one that does not require you to add or substract anything from in order to run your space-faring game. However it will also not break if you decide to do things your own way, which is not a common thing in a modern era of RPGs, that resemble board games with rules that are there to limit your potential and your imagination, so that every game session plays at the same, rather average level. There are no rules that will dictate how your players should roleplay their characters or how you should run your games. It's a sandbox of a rules system, which means that it has all the necessary rules to run a game in a SCI-FI universe - from PC's skills and attributes to equipment, combat rules, space-faring, alien creation, force (psionic) users and world building.
You can run anything SCI-FI related with M-SPACE and with very little changes. You can easily create Jedi Knight with the rules written here, Space Marine, galactic politican or Stormtrooper. As it is with all the BRP-related games; M-SPACE is very universal in a sense that every character, monster or robot is made of characteristics, attributes and skills. They all follow the same rules, making them more believable and easy to create. I could write much more on why D100 is the best system ever, but it has been said already so many times on the internet, that I don't see a point of repeating what other great minds have already said ;)
I cannot recommend more this game. Buy it! It's the best SCI-FI system that I know, that's for sure.
If you are interested on a D100 / BRP / Mythras traveller style campaign M-Space is a must have.
Even, if you are interested on other scifi flavors, M-Space is a god point to start.
It add to Mythras several interesting rules, circles, extended conflicts, simplified combat and a different approach to Psychic powers than Luther Arkwright or Classic Fantasy.
The circles are a kind of cult with several characteristics like influence or power that you can use for create societies and factions, for example you can use it for define the game terms from a Band to a interestellar megacorporation.
The extended conflicts are adapted from RevolutionD100, and are a very interesting tool that you can use for increase the drama, personally i believe that the consequences are to big and i personally prefer my own home rule that uses passions like 'aspects'.
Simplified combat comes from the extended conflicts and faster a lot the combats if your groups is more interested on other aspects of the game, personally, since the general rules comes from Mythras imperative i miss the inclusion of the rules showed at Mythras firearms, that are just the opposite.
When we arrive to Psychic powers we can see that the original game comes from BRP and they don follow the Mythras standard of 2 different skills. I dislike that a little but it is more a personal taste than a real problem. At the other side, there is a kind of powers tree, and i like to have requirements on the most powerful levels.
The specific scifi toolset comes with starships, alien creation and solar systems / planets rules.
Starships are created using modules, and are generally enough for represent anything you imagine except maybe, biologic ships or other exotic stuff.
Aliens and planets are far away from MindJammer but still they are quite useful.
As a negative aspects, the book format is squared, which it should not be a problem unless the big exterior margins they have , it feels like a waste of space. Also, i would preferred some more inner margin to facilitate reading. I miss some more weapons, vehicles and equipment examples but definitively M-Space expands smoothly Mythras towards SciFi.
There are also a very interesting settings, of which Odd space is my preferred one although i don finished the reading of the last ones (elevation) and my opinion of it comes only from external reviewers.
if i could, i would rate with a 4.5 aprox.
A must, as i said at the beginning.
As a long time fan of Runequest and all of the D100 systems, this is a fantastic Sci-fi/space opera game. The layout is sharp and well thought out. I would recommend this game to anyone looking for a good Sci-fi game.
Mythras (BRP) Space Opera rules, character generation is easy and very similar to Call of Cthulhu. Tasks are skill % roll under on d100; has a nice extended conflict rules for "social combat", and other situations. Has rules and examples for characters, spacecraft, worlds, vehicles, organizations, and aliens. Recommend getting the free pre-gen characters pdf download from the Frostbyte books site, as well as the free RQ6 Firearms pdf from The Design Mechanism site.
A very solid set of rules, only a couple of minor quibbles, nothing that would affect game play. It is generic, with a good coverage of sci-fi themes.
The d100 family of roleplaying games has been missing a set of rules for science fiction scenarios and campaigns for a long time. M-Space does not only provide such rules, it offers an excellent toolbox for the science fiction genre. I especially liked the chapters on Extended Conflicts and on Circles (= various types of organizations), but all the other chapters are equally well presented and useful. Since most d100 games are more or less compatible, M-Space is a very good supplement not only for Mythras (=ex-RQ6), but also for the other members of the family, from BRP to Open Quest. Highly recommended.
Very nice work, this supplement is an excellent addition to the Mythras line. I really like Extended Conflicts rules it adds a lot to narrative gameplaying it looks like from reading that you do a good job providing two different play styles those like a crunchy and and simplified streamline play. An a example of this is a simplifiedsimplified combat rules. The game also provides character sheets for both ships, players, Aliens, vehicles, world, organizations and probably more that I missed. The sheet are another great add ones that I'll be able to use that only with M-Space but a good number of the the other supplements. Again I say good job, looking forward to using your system this weekend.