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Future: 13 More Mecha Devices
Publisher: Ronin Arts
by David G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2005 00:00:00

13 More Mecha Devices is more of the same, but also a little extra. It is visually identical to it's predecessor; clean and functional. There are some pretty uninspired devices among it's repetoire, as is to be expected from a typical Phil Reed "workhorse" product. These devices (like the "Fire-Fighting Gear" or "Stabilization Spikes") are pretty obvious designs or ones that already exist in the mecha genre. However, it is always useful to have such items statted up in d20 Future format, and it is especially nice to have such gear as open gaming content.

13 More Mecha Devices offers more than just "workhorse" gear, however... it contains a number of innovative new features that sets it above 13 Mecha Devices. The first of these are the two new types of Mechs... Six-Legged and Armless. I had trouble understanding the "armless" concept at first, but I eventually came to understand that one sacrificed a mech's arms and hands and replaced them with a dedicated weapon. I think the rules text could use some work on this one, perhaps by changing the name of the slots granted by the hardpoints (but stating they are "compatible" with arm slots). Still, this mech type brings to mind the old Mad Cat mech from Mechwarrior... my favourite walking war machine. These two new mech types make 13 More Mecha Devices worth the price of admission. Another innovation of note is the Quake missile... something that should also be statted up for vehicles.

13 More Mecha Devices once again references the "Medium-sized Mecha" introduced in Future: Datastream 06.2005 and Future: 13 Starship Cargos. I think Phil really missed out on a decent cross-marketing opportunity by not mentioning these sources for the Medium-sized Mecha. The concept alone makes me interested enough to want to buy either PDF, but I only know about where it comes from because I asked. Not every customer will think to do so.

On the whole, 13 More Mecha Devices is a very decent PDF for fans of d20 Future's mech rules.

How it earned the 3: Interesting new ideas, overall useful devices, low price.

What kept it from earning a 5: Occasional unoriginal design, slightly unclear rules text for Armless Mecha.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Usefulness<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Occasional unoriginal design<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Future: 13 More Mecha Devices
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Future: 13 Mecha Devices
Publisher: Ronin Arts
by David G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/28/2005 00:00:00

Developing an impression of this product is most difficult. On one hand, many of these devices seem almost essential in any mecha game; others certainly have their place and could easily see use in many games. This fact alone should produce a favourable opinion of the PDF. However, none of the devices are terribly original. Some of them (like "External Drop Tank" and "Chaff Launcher") are adaptations of current military aircraft technology for mechs. Others (like "Jump Jets" and "Self-Destruct System") are devices that are already part of the mecha genre (thanks to franchises like Mechwarrior or Gundam Wing). Still others (like "Improved Afterburner System") simply build upon material already in the SRD. One welcome SRD work-in is the addition of gadgets for Mecha equipment, with consideration given to equipment slots. This is something the Mecha system really needed. The other devices are certainly useful, but I suppose I was expecting a little more originality. Also, a few of the devices refer to a Medium-sized mecha, which confused me. According to the modern/future SRD, mechs come in sizes Large to Colossal... no medium mechs exist in the rules-as-written. Is this something from a previous Ronin Arts PDF?

In my opinion, the highlight of 13 Mecha Devices is the Remote Operating Station. This device allows you to operate a mech from a remote location. This was actually an idea I had for a while... it's good to see I wasn't the only one who thought it was a good idea. I'm now also saved the trouble of statting up the concept myself.

I will definitely find 13 Mecha Devices useful, particularly because it is entirely open content. However, I would not recommend to anyone that they should purchase this PDF - wait until some or all of this equipment ends up in a PDF alongside more original material.

How it earned the 2: Useful devices for any mecha game, low price.

What kept it from earning a 5: Unoriginal device design, mysterious references to Medium-sized mecha.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Gadgets for Mecha gear, the Remote Operating Station, overall ubiquitous-ness of devices, entirely OGC.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Unoriginal design; I was expecting at least one innovation.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Future: 13 Mecha Devices
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Creator Reply:
I'd be interested in seeing your opinions on the other mecha equipment PDFs at RPGNow. The medium mecha appeared in the Future: Datastream and I didn't feel it was necessary to the use of this PDF (so I didn't include it here).
Blood and Guts 2: Military Training Manual
Publisher: RPG Objects
by David G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2005 00:00:00

Blood & Guts 1e was based heavily on a large number of specialized classes. Blood & Guts 2e focuses on versatility, with a small number of highly customizable advanced classes. In comparison, I have to say I like the B&G2e approach much better. Also, the layout of the PDF is clean, as per RPGObjects standard. It even loads faster than the original B&G1e. To me, this product is THE WAY to handle the military in a d20 Modern game. Amazing job.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Great structure and focus on options Smooth, accessible layout Excellent handling of source material Fast fixing of initial editing mistakes<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Smaller focus than the original Blood & Guts - additional material is due to be released as separate PDFs.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blood and Guts 2: Military Training Manual
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