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The Witch
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The Witch
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/20/2020 10:06:12

Orignially posted here:

Going to look at some more D&D 5 Witch classes today. These are all just called "The Witch." Since that was also the name of my first witch book back in 2012 I thought I should check them out.
For these DMSGuild classes, I am going to still follow my own rules and guidelines to make sure I am giving these a fair review.

The Witch by Dave Rich

This PDF is 15 pages (1 cover, 10 pages content, 3 pages of Appendicies, 1 legal). No art. The pice is $3.00 PWYW. So twice my ¢10 per page guideline.

This one presents the witch class with four archetypes and a sorcerous origin. We get a full 20 levels of the witch class. Spellcasting is based on Wisdom, and the witch gets a full 9 levels of spellcasting. This class has a limit on the total number of spells known. For example, the witch has a full 22 spell slots from 1st to 9th level, but only knows 17 spells. you can choose to forget a spell of lower level when a higher one is available. Witches gain familiars here and have a number of unique powers.

The Archetypes of the witch are called Entropic Spirals here. There are the Spiral of Life, Spiral of Fate, Spiral of Bewitching, and Spiral of Glamour. There is a list of spells, with an expansion to cover Xanathar's Guide.

Appendix A covers a sorcerous origin for witches. Appendix B details the author's thoughts on the creation of this class; namely Terry Pratchett's Discworld and Mage: The Ascension.

Some neat ideas and I like the sorcerous origin.

This comes very close to the idea of the witch, but not the ideal witch for me.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Witch
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cody B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/22/2017 14:17:05

After hearing about this class from a fellow on Twitter, I decided to check it out. While the class has some typos, and in my opinon, needs a little tweaking, it definitely satifies my need for a witch class and does something new and original to the D&D forray. The Witch designed like a full spellcaster with a bard like ability makes the witch unique, and in my opinion, potent while not being overpowered. The archetypes are thematic, fun, and not in my opinion broken in any way. While clarifications are needed to ensure nothing is taken for granted, I approve of the intiative and the great foundation this class has laid down. Congratulations to you my friend.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Witch
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Peter H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/19/2017 07:19:02

The Witch provides a new stance among the core classes. Sitting somewhere between Druid and Warlock, she is a great support class with vast survivability options.

The class, at its core, has a unique curse-like mechanic that plays like an adverse Bardic Inspiration, the ability to brew spells into consumables, a more robust Find Familiar, and a proper spell list for a true Witch (among other features).

The Witch's Spirals offer distinct advantages that will accept a variety of playstyles. Each Spiral has a unique list of additional spells and flavorful abilities that coincide with the core class. Whether you want to be a shaman-like healer, master illusionist, social manipulator, or a seer, the Witch holds its own against the 5e core classes and offers a different approach to these roles.

While the class is not designed to output loads of damage, any player fond of control and support will enjoy this class. I feel some of the Spirals are stronger than others but the foundation of the class is very solid and I would allow this class at my table with minimal tweaking.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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