This is a really nifty addition to any D&D game. If you've ever thrown Alchemist's Fire and thought "That was awesome!," you're going to love this nice bunch of new potions and flasks. They seem really well balanced and nothing jumps out as game breaking. Best of all is the return of a few great 3.x items that were strangely missing from the core books.
For the price, you get a nicely laid out document that gives you a lot of new "tossable" items grouped by rarity, with prices for each and well written descriptions of each (with one exception, below).
Minor: six items
Moderate: seven items
Major: three items
Legendary: three items
The one item that just didn't land for me is the Black Egg under Legendary items. It just seems to have a fairly weak effect given its price and rarity.
This supplement also adds a new feat to go along with all of your new throwable things: Bomb Thrower. The idea is great, but it seems to be a touch powerful compared to some of the PHB feats. With some adjustment (I'd do away with one or maybe even two of its perks) I could see allowing it in my games, but as-written it's just too much.
One star off for the oddly underpowered legendary item and the slightly OP feat. All in all well worth the price and I can't wait to use it in my games.