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CCC‐RPSG‐01 Ooze There
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Kyle M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/20/2023 08:41:28

This is a favorite AL module in my local group, and I've run it a couple times now myself. You may need to expedite things or move your group along to get everything fit into 4 hours. It's not very roleplay heavy, but I think the mechanics and combat make up for it. This is a great adventure for folks who are either generally new to D&D or have a bit of experience but are maybe a bit rusty on the mechanics.

I'll offer up some feedback for DMs (spoilers, obviously):

  • Grey oozes being able to degrade weapons and armor is hilarious, so definitely keep that mechanic in. It forced my players to switch it up and use either unarmed strikes or worse weapons to not have their main ones be degraded.
  • I ran this for a group of 7 people who just met the "average" APL. For the fight with the gelatenous cube, I had an ochre jelly join the fight as well behind the party in the tunnel, creating some panic but giving everyone a chance to try something to get out. (I lowered the ochre jelly's health by about 50%.) I did this to balance out the action economy. It was also a good way to teach newer players about some mechanics not often used (pulling someone out of something and into an open space, being consumed, etc.).
  • The fights do a pretty good job of helping players understand that enemies may have their own weaknesses/abilities depsite being of the same "type".
  • Fenaria can be mean. I almost knocked most of the aforementioned party down with a good hit from Shatter due to them being grouped up with the gibbering mouthers. I was a bit kinder than I needed to be with the final fight and resorted to being more defensive/conservative, but I think it helped keep the fight balanced.

Overall, great adventure that doesn't need many ad-hoc adjustments. I'm excited to keep running it in the future!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC‐RPSG‐01 Ooze There
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DDAL05-02 The Black Road (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Kyle M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/18/2023 18:03:25

This is a great T1 adventure! Had a table of more seasoned adventurers and they loved it! It's a bit shorter, and I was able to run it in almost exactly 2 hours. Good mix of RP, combat, and environmental challenges. However, you could run it for longer if you adjust it a bit to include "optional" combats, assuming your players want more of a challenge.

My players were enthusiastic when I told them I could beef up the encounters for them. The added challenge kept them on their toes, but wasn't too difficult.

Overall, this is a great adventure to run at a local game store like I did!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL05-02 The Black Road (5e)
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