I ran as a DM with my party of four level-three characters and we had a good time.
Without including spoilers, the first part of this module allows for your players to use creative thinking to overcome a threat where combat is not really an option. I don't really like Tier 1 combat, so this was interesting diversion.
I also like that there are many non-typical profiencies used in the module. Some of them are just flavor, but some of them are useful. When was the last time you saw cooking tool proficiency provide any real benefit explictly called for in a module? Or painters supplies proficiency used at all?
There's a "poke" mechanic in the module if your party starts to drag, which can be nice if your party gets anaylsis paralysis.
There were only a handful of combat encounters and a mechanic to allow the party to restore some resources, which helped soothe my distaste for tier 1 combat, but the final encounter was still very tough for my party. I'd say there's a good chance of failure there, which some people may not like. You could probably make the NPC be stupid and hurt itself in the enviroment (wouldn't be thematically inappropraite for the encounter) if you want to cheese it a bit.
The maps are in color and there is some texture to them. I wouldn't call them beautiful or anything, but they are much better than the pencil scribbles I've seen on most modules.
One thing that some people may consider negative is that the way the document is organized and the fact that some things are happening simultaneously is that you will not be able to wing-it, if that is your style. It's clearly not meant to be run that way though, so I didn't detract from the score for that.
I'd run it again.