Pros: Narratively and thematically interesting, interesting NPCs/locations, and good pacing.
Cons: There were a couple of parts where the party was confused where to proceed, and the final fight's set up was extremely confusing for me.
General Notes:
The party had a lot of fun with the opening, as well as interacting with the various NPCs on the ship.
Don't make the same mistake I did and misread the ship mishaps as happening "one per turn", instead of "once per round".
The atmosphere of Hawk's Isle was great, but after the expositing NPC (Mallady) died before getting a word in with the party, and the general lack of clues to point them towards the final lair, the party was really confused as where to go besides just heading towards the central mountain area.
There was a part that mentions a poisonous lake, as well as a particular disease if the party drinks the water, but since there really is no incentive or reason the party would just drink random lake water, I'm not sure why this was included.
The final lair is a series of caves that lead into a giant 50x50x40 cavern, where you find BBEG (A Morkoth) keeping the MacGuffin (woman named Zehira the party is hired to rescue). Throughout this cavern's description, it never mentions it being underwater, and even mentions things that would lead you to believe it was not underwater (ex: you can slip on the floor if you dash across it in the final chamber).
However, the main baddy (a Morkoth) is at such a disdadvantage without the combat being underwater. Somethings even seem impossible, like the fact it is hiding on the ceiling when the party comes in, depsite it not having spider climb. Most of its abilities are completely out of range of the party (including its hypnosis) while they are on the floor, so it has to take falling damage leaping down to meet them. Just the fact that the final lair is shaped like a fishtank, the fact that it has 50ft swimspeed and abilities to change the water in its lair makes me wonder if the author meant for this area to be underwater. Maybe I just misread something.
Overall conclusion: Great module, just tweak everything past the Corpse Flower fight to be more straight forward if possible.
Side note: I commisioned someone to do digital art of the tiefling/mongrelfolk Mallady, feel free to use it if you run this game digitally as well: