Useful either before or after you have purchased The Lazy Dungeon Master.
Built after 7 years of 5th edition experience this most booklet contains a wealth of ideas from which Dungeon Masters and Players can use to help calibrate their game or build adventures that will create great memories.
Each topic is presented in a crisp neat digestable fashion - right to the point and without bloat.
The material presented in this book is also supported by the author who has many useful articles on their website and many hours of podcast material where the ideas in the text (and other published by the author) are expended upon further. Some of this is also available on the authours YouTube channel.
Good value for your gaming dollar and the information will still be useful with the next edition(s) of Dungeons and Dragons. If you don't play Dungeons and Dragons but a different fantasy RPG or other gaming system about 75% of the ideas and material is still very useful to you.