Do you have a favorite PC race, but are tired of every character of that race having identical characteristics? Or maybe you have on of those people in your group that always plays characters of the same race in every campaign. Either way, putting a new twist on a familiar race can prove interesting.
The Culture Clash series each provide six subtypes for one of the standard d20 Fantasy races. Each entry includes provides brief flavor text, followed by brief mention of the race's environmental, social and political information, along with their common appearance. Volume one features new variations on elves.
First up is the Arcane Elf. These are similar to your standard D&D elf, with worse eyes and a bit more focus on arcane magic. Among the skills they receive a racial bonus to is Scry, which was removed from 3.5.
Second come the Highborn Elves. These elves are apparently those who have Celestial, or perhaps even divine heritage. The favored class for these rare beings is Clerics.
The Nomadic Elf is hardier than other sorts of elf, but doesn't tend to be as well spoken as his cousins. The favored class for these rugged and stubble-chinned elves is Ranger.
Spartan Elves apparently felt that their Greek forebears simply weren't tough enough. Taking their business quite seriously, all these elves have to take at least one level in a martial class; probably to ensure that they have a shield to come on.
Thankfully, Subterranean Elves don't manage to retain a tan. Slow and halfling-sized, these rude little buggers like to hit you where the sun don't shine. They like to take Rogue levels to make sure it hurts extra.
Tribal in nature, Wilderness Elves aren't the best dinner companions; it's almost impossible to get woad stains out of the carpet. Barbarian is the favored class for this type of elf.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Interesting variations like the focused Arcane elves, or the militant Spartans, along with Subterranean elves that aren't the Drow.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Only brief information is provided about each group, and there is no supporting material such as feats, equipment etc.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>