This looks to be a very nice expansion on the rules given in Hot Pursuit. While I have not yet tried out the rules in Hot Pursuit: On Foot they look like they will handle the complications of foot chases quite handily, regardless of whether they are being used in D20, D20 Modern, or in my case OGL Steampunk. I was very pleased to see that it is much more printer friendly than was the first work in the series. (My biggest complaint about Hot Pursuit was the horrible ink guzzling color borders on every page. Otherwise it was and is a great book, one that I have used at least a dozen times in my game since I made the purchase.)
Rather than create new foot themed terms for manuevers On Foot uses the same terms that were used in Hot Pursuit, making it very easy to switch from one to the other rather than trying to remember which term goes with type of chase.
Like Hot Pursuit the writing is breezy, but while it does not take itself seriously it does a very good job of making the rules clear. In particular On Foot builds on the combat rules, in particular as pertains to melee combat, a much more likely event during a foot chase than between two vehicles (sword fights on flying carpets not withstanding).
Over all I am very happy with this purchase.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Fast and easy chase rules for any D20 type game, and compatibility with the first book means not having to switch gears after they bail out of their vehicles.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Like the first book there are no feats specific to chases, a decision that I can understand if not agree with. However it also fails to take into account the effects of existing feats on the rules, and this is a bit of a problem.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>