Everyone in your party has identical +1 swords - all of them probably manufactured by child laborers at Bob's Factory For the Mass Production of Magic Items. How bland is that? Not you, though. Your sword is metal taken from a fiendish realm, earned with your own sweat and blood; all so you could put an end to the fell beast that had been plaguing that village. A beast that proved unkillable by any other means.
Kobur's Encyclopedia of Exotic Ores is just the thing if you're looking for new special materials. Laid out in a simple and attractive style, this book has both landscape and portrait oriented versions; however, it is plagued with a host of minor grammatical errors, which does impact its readability. The worst of these errors is on page three - the end of the second paragraph dealing with how to open the book is simply missing.
We are first presented with the story and game information for the Encyclopedia itself. This book makes an attractive treasure for any Craft-oriented character. In addition to its informational value, the tome imparts several useful magical abilities to its owner. The book's built-in defense system is perhaps a bit extreme, but might prove useful for reining in vandalism-inclined player characters.
The remainder of the book is given over to describing some of the new materials discussed within the Encyclopedia. In addition to a description of the material and its special properties, details related to the mining and crafting of each entry is provided. From a mystically charged iron that can trap the energy of a wasted spell, to metal that causes distortions in the fabric of time, Kobur's Encyclopedia includes some unique special materials.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: I always enjoy seeing new special materials. Along with equipment it's one of my favorite ways of customizing a character.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Potential balance issues in a few places. Repeated errors that lower the overall quality and presentation of the product.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>