BASH! Basic Action Super Heroes (Original Edition) |
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For the last few days, I have soloed my way through All Hallow’s Eve from BAM! Basic Action Magazine #1
(25 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). The system that I used to play it was Bash! Basic Action Super Heroes (Original Edition). I used SoloCutz (same place) as the solo engine. I did use the six characters that are included in the RPG rules.
So, the first scene was investigation (crime scene). The second scene was combat. Things really got interesting with the third scene. The P.C.s were up against a litch-lord. My White Witch cast a magical duel arena spell. The litch cast wizard tower. The end result – both teams ended up in the White Mausoleum. The White Witch was still with Baby Face, but all of the other characters were on their own. This could have ended badly if they ran into the lich too soon. They did have a chance to explore 21 rooms full of challenges, tests, and a combat. They did find the lich’s weakness (a coin from a sorority house). They used it to incapacitate the lich, they tossed him through the black portal, they found the exit, and arrived back to their home city. The final scene is where the sorority girls find their lives getting back to normal after the coin disappeared from the necklace around the sorority president’s neck. The White Witch took the most damage, so she is ready for some R&R to recover from her wounds.
Give this exciting game a try!
BASH! is a fantastic little game of Super Heroes. Instead of a huge book of powers or effects, BASH instead focuses on "What do you want to do?" and "What kind of hero are you?", Simple, but powerful questions.
BASH is a simple supers RPG that I am sure I am going to be playing more of in the near future. But what has impressed me the most are the number of conversions that the BASH fan community has already put together. I converted one of my M&M characters over to BASH fairly quickly. I have another character I am working on now that started out in BESM 3.0, re-done in M&M (as PL 5), then converted over to Marvel Super Heroes. It will be interesting to see if the BASH conversion goes over well.
The game achieves the near miraculous feat of being simple to use and learn and yet powerful enough to keep you interested and coming back to the game.
The mechanic is kind of an odd one with multipliers (but I think it works for supers) and exploding doubles on 2d6, which I admit I like. It also has a cool FASRIP-looking chart for die results, so it gives it an old school feel (something all old school supers games had were charts, lots of them!). I like that the main Abilities have been reduced to just three; reminiscent of Tri-Stat, but these a Brawn, Agility Mind (BAM!), which appeals to me. Everything after that are skills and powers.
It has it's legions of fans and I can see why. There are BASH Fantasy and BASH Sci-Fi games too, which I will need to check out.
BASH is a nice alternative to M&M or Icons, both very fine games, but BASH is easier to get going in. Yes, even compared to Icons. In addition to all of that BASH has a great power leveling system to play everything from Street Level Mystery Men to Cosmic "New Gods".
Like most Supers games, well pretty much every game, I look at the magic first. So far the powers look very Champions or Mutants & Masterminds like, i.e. I choose the "Blast" power and call it "Arcane Blast". I plan to look at Fantasy BASH for more classical, ritualized spellcasting. Given my GM's preferences, I also expect we will be diving into Sci-Fi BASH at some point this year as well.
Since that seems to be the thing to do I'll post some conversions for BASH myself, after I have read it a bit more.
It's not perfect. BUT just like like the comics would sometimes have huge cross-over events, so can games. If you are happy with your current Supers RPG, great, but maybe the characters fall into a wormhole-spacetimebridge-cosmicsink and end up in a BASH universe.
If you like supers games then get this.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review, but were you using this Original Edition of BASH! or the newer BASH! Ultimate Edition? I ask because you reference the Dice Roll Chart, and that was a new feature added to the BASH! Ultimate Edition book's back cover. However, it is perfectly usable with the BASH! Original Edition, and can be downloaded for free.
Also, the Original Edition of BASH! really only worked for more Street Level superheroes. BASH! Ultimate Edition is the one that expanded to allow Cosmic characters and also had "Mystery Men".
Regardless, Thanks again! |
Prodotto notevole in quanto a semplicità di meccaniche di gioco, creazione dei personaggi e scelta dei poteri. Il sistema si basa su 3 statistiche fondamentali (Mente, Muscoli ed Agilità) il cui punteggio viene moltiplicato per il risultato di 2d6. Il risultato viene confrontato con il punteggio dell'avversario o una soglia di difficoltà. I poteri non sono specifici per ogni singolo uso o manifestazione ma vengono descritti come tipologie di potere; al giocatore il compito di personalizzarlo e di rnderlo unico. Tutta la descrizione dei poteri e delle meccaniche di gioco vengono riassunti in poco più di 20 pagine. Il sistema è dunque un ottimo compromesso tra semplicità e giocabilità.
Aspetti negativi sono soprattutto legati alla revisione del gioco. In prima battuta ci sono discrepanze tra la versione estesa e quella print-friendly. Altro aspetto che richiede attenzione e "interpretazione" delle regole è che a volte la descrizione dei poteri è un pò troppo sintetica e quindi richiede un certo grado di interpretazione (nulla di eccessivamente complesso, comunque).
Per essere un gioco auto-prodotto è davvero riuscito. Consiglio vivamente l'acquisto.
Creator Reply: |
Wow, my first Italian review! Glad to know the game is getting some international exposure! |
I concur with the previous reviewers with regard to the quality of the system and emulation of the genre. The system is not 100% compatible with later products in the BASH! line, but those books, Fantasy and Sci-fi, have conversion suggestions. This book also does not include the sub-genre variation rules that have become standard with BASH!. Pulp, and gritty-style variations would have been nice.
This a a really neat and simple system for playing low-power superhero games. There are only three stats - brawn, agility and mind. Almost everything is resolved using 2D6, usually multiplied by the controlling stat. For skills it is vs. a diffciculty number for other powers it might be versus the appropriate defence (again generated by 2D6 multiplied by appropriate stat).
Almost any power you can think of is covered. Optional character advancement is included (but not encouraged!).
It makes a wonderful system for a one-off or a short campaign.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The elegance and simplicity.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Occasional lack of clarity and peculiar layout (e.g. movement rates are buried under movement powers).<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
BASH - Basic Action Super Heroes
This game I bought on a whim. I was looking for a new Superhero game to try and I did not want it to be complex (ala Hero System) nor D20 (ala M&M, though that is a good D20 game, which is few and far between). There were several other superhero system to try from RPGNow. I tried this one first and I am glad I did. This is a great simple system that conveys the supers feeling very well. The art fits the feel of the book quite well.
I was, at first, skeptical about the 30 page count of the rules system. I was thinking it would be incomplete or too basic. I was, however, proven quite wrong. The rules system is simple yet refined enough to allow any situation to be covered.
Character creation takes up most of the book, with powers taking up most of character creation since there are only three stats to deal with. Character creation is simple and quick. You could easily start a game within 10-20 minutes of sitting down to create a character. There is a also a sample story arc and sample characters listed to give you some starting points and ideas.
<b>LIKED</b>: The great superhero feel and the refined simplicity of the system.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I wanted more, though everything was covered and ideas were given. The system just doesn't seem to deal well with character improvement and that is mentioned at the end of the book, but a suggested system is given for experience.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
I am glad you liked it and there is good news! There IS MORE! You can get Megapolis: A City of Supers. It is the first BASH! Sourcebook. Also be on the lookout for BAM! Basic Action Magazine-- a free fanzine. |
The BASH game system easy to work with. I now have a use for the Marvel Universe RPG. It was very easy to modify the BASH sysytem to work with the 1 - 10 stat scale of MURPG. <br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The game promotes fast cinematic action. Easy to use game mechanic. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Well thanks for your enthusiasm and happy gaming! |
Very Nice. As a long time Supers fan (from a long time Champions fan) who likes Simple RPG's, this was a refreshing change. Adaptable and fun.
Grab a copy. Well worth the money.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Simple mechanics and fast play. But very customizable.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Can't think of anything.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Glad you enjoy the product! We hope to put out more support products for this very soon. |
This is a very welcome and easy to jump into supers game. There is plenty of room for "rules expansion", but very little need to use that room. BASH has an exceptionally on-target feel to it, and it inspires comic-book roleplaying just by its sheer design.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: A small, focused product, with great art (samples, yes, but very good ones). Easy to pick up system, and the rules actually invite the players and GM to expand on the game w/o dragging out some laborious algortihms on how to do so. BASH has captured the fun of hero gaming. Can't wait to see more!<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Well, if I had to choose one thing.....maybe I would have liked the option to order a print version? But, the printer friendly file takes care of that, I guess!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Thank you, Max. We aim to please. We are also planning to get into the print on demand thing, relatively soon! |
BASH uses a simple and common sense approach Role-playing. I have been looking for a Super Hero RPG for some time and have no regrets about buying this one. Not long after I had downloaded the rulebook and told my kids about it, they wanted to play it. You will have had to have some experience of Role-playing as these rules are not for the beginner but I have got a little feed up with rules that seem to spend some time telling what a role-playing is about. The System is based around comic book theme with pages instead of rounds and a panel for character actions.
There is a few minor faults that I hope Basic Action Games will change make the rulebook perfect.
As the system was originally designed for kids I have found one of the illustrations unsuitable for kids (Pyre needs a flame resistant Bra) and my kids prefer the illustrated version over the printer friendly.
Illustrated and printer friendly is on the same PDF.
Some minor typing/formatting errors: The Golden Rule text changes font which looks odd, ?What can I do in a Panel?? Goes 4, 5 and 6 in the printer friendly section.
One illustration is in color which is not in keeping with the rest of the illustrations. I do like the grayscale illustrations.
I hope to see an update with these improvements as I really do like these rules.
I would have liked to have seen some rules for using miniatures and battle maps as I known from my own kids; they do like to use them. But it has been easy to include these in our game.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The whole lot. Good solid RPG system.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Only minor faults given in the comments above. Still gets 5 stars.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your enthusiasm! I hope you and your family enjoy playing this game as much as I do! I have been using miniatures and battlemats to play it since I first wrote it. I guess I could add a page emphasizing that this is an excellent way to represent the action. |
If it looks like Super Heroes on the cover, I will buy it, and have. I love RPG's, and I love Super Heroes, and have played many different RPG Supers games.
It is amazing how so many game designs equate complexity with quality. Unfortunately in the world of comic book Super Heroes this is especially true. In a genre clogged with games systems that range from simply overly complicated to down right unplayable, BASH is a welcome and refreshing change. Points based? Yes. Full of options? Yes. Complicated? Not at all! (Hurray!)
BASH has all the strengths of a good Supers RPG with none of the weaknesses. Character creation is as fast and easy as any that I've seen for this genre without sacrificing diversity. And the actual game play is easy to learn. A group I introduced to the system were playing like pros in seconds! And it all works!! All of it!
BASH has become my Super Hero RPG of choice. I urge you to give it a try. Buy it! Download it! Read it! And for Goodness Sakes, Play it!! This game translates to the table top the way an RPG should. It's not just a pretty collection of numbers on a page. It is a very friendly, very playable RPG.
The downloaded PDF is actually two copies of the game. One has graphics (some very attractive super hero themed black and white clip art), and one is without (print friendly). So the actual game manual only constitutes about 30 pages. Thirty pages is all that is needed. The BASH system is both eloquent and functional, and it doesn't require additional padding.
This new version of the rules has been reorganized to make it easier to use, and includes a few rules additions and clarifications (and a cover with greatly improved coloring). These were needed and welcome changes. I honestly can't think of a better Super Hero themed RPG, that I have played.
This is the best.
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Clean eloquent game system! Easy to learn! Easy to play! Great character creation!<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not one thing.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Thanks, Jeff. We aim to please! Be on the lookout for more BASH products in the near future! BASH Fantasy is very near completion, and Megapolis: A City of Supers is also well under way, and expected to be out this summer! |
Bash is what I was hoping for.
An easy to play Super Hero game that makes play fun!
I have tried many SH rpg?s over the years and was looking for a fun, rules light and action heavy game.
I found it in Bash.
Making your own characters is fun and easy.
Conversion to any comic book character will be easy.
Good job guys.
Ill defiantly pick up your next product and join the Yahoo group.
Well worth the price!
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Easy to use and play
<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: nothing, very happy
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
We are always glad to find a new fan! We plan on releasing a few more products in the BASH line down the road. Stay tuned for Megapolis: A City of Supers, our first gazeteer for the BASH system, and also BASH: Fantasy edition is very close to completion. BASH Sci-Fi is also in the works! |