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Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate
Publisher: Bedrock Games
by Harkon A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/07/2024 14:16:31

I don't like many games besides oldschool D&D. There's a lot of derivative crap out there. For anyone interested in Wuxia or fantastic Medieval China, this is about as real as it gets. There's an intricate system of martial arts, skills and rituals so you have to be into that. There's also an elaborate setting, complete with bestiary, a library of enchanted objects, sample adventures, sample dungeons, a regional map, a whole codex of NPCs you name it. I don't know if its a masterpiece, but its a damn fine effort, and a damn fine game. The author plays regularly and shares play reports of his work on his blog. Recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate
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