TLDR: Really awesome game!
We've played several tester sessions with my group and are now graduating onto a full campaign. It's a lot of fun and gives a proper toolbox for Sci-Fi play. We've played some decent 'firefly' style light and punchy short sessions and are now building a Trek inspired 'troupe style' space oddessy - it's going to be great!
I've particularly enjoyed the crunch and depth in character creation, which gives a lot of control and variety. The career development system helps match a story to a character... the exploits ensure characters are each quite different with clear strengths.
What is particularly great is that the 'at table' play is pleasantly rapid. Combat flows nicely and doesn't bog down, works well with or without a tactical map. Non combat, there are some decent work ups for challenge resolution and it felt like everyone could pitch in. We had a really tense repair scenario that worked well - good mix of roleplaying and some tense dice!
Adjustable character creation and flowy at the table. It's the ideal mixture for me.
If you have the slightest interest in sci fi, pick it up and have a look!