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Christopher Grey\'s Crafting
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Christopher Grey's Crafting
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Luc C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/30/2016 20:31:24

Works with tables instead of formula. uses the DMG guide basic days to build stuff Good work done, but doesn't make sense without formula. just look at the table and you are done.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Christopher Grey's Crafting
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Chris B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/15/2016 03:33:42

This is a beautifully designed and presented book - seriously, it looks incredible - that presents some interesting rules for crafting. I appreciate the lack of additional dice rolls (i.e. success in crafting is based on cost and Skill Proficiency, not based around hitting a DC). The wand crafting section is particularly interesting and I can see it getting a lot of use in my campaign - though on this section I actually would like to see a success/failure system that makes crafting wands easier as players reach higher levels. I also would like to see the Mysticism section (which is really nice and flavourful) updated to explicitly specify that players must also be able to cast the spells they are crafting, otherwise it risks being rather unbalanced.

They're minor quibbles, though. The rules are simple and easy to implement, and should be quick and easy to use at the table while adding a nice layer of additional depth to the game. Definitely recommended.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Christopher Grey's Crafting
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Roman B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/18/2016 05:57:46

This product isn't particularly bad, but then, it also isn't particularly good. It follows a pretty straight forward structure of:

  1. Consult a table for what you want to create
  2. Do a d100 search in the relevant terrain
  3. You hopefully find something you need assuming you rolled high enough.

Nothing wrong with that. It is simple. But it seems just a little... incomplete. The product does nothing interesting; It reskins spells under the guise of crafting. In one sense, that isn't terrible. But it really just says that someone who isn't a spell caster can now make spells at ridiculous cost of chance and in-game time.

I applaud the author for making a system of crafting where Wizards still have not. I myself have been avidly following any homebrew rules for crafting, and have found them all lacking.

To wit: This system is simple and straightforward enough to adapt/add/subtract to/from if you want to put in a little effort, but as it stands, it is a rather simple document, and without much content for the price (the page count is very misleading, with maybe 7 pages of actual content, and a lot of page breaks.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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