This product isn't particularly bad, but then, it also isn't particularly good. It follows a pretty straight forward structure of:
- Consult a table for what you want to create
- Do a d100 search in the relevant terrain
- You hopefully find something you need assuming you rolled high enough.
Nothing wrong with that. It is simple. But it seems just a little... incomplete. The product does nothing interesting; It reskins spells under the guise of crafting. In one sense, that isn't terrible. But it really just says that someone who isn't a spell caster can now make spells at ridiculous cost of chance and in-game time.
I applaud the author for making a system of crafting where Wizards still have not. I myself have been avidly following any homebrew rules for crafting, and have found them all lacking.
To wit: This system is simple and straightforward enough to adapt/add/subtract to/from if you want to put in a little effort, but as it stands, it is a rather simple document, and without much content for the price (the page count is very misleading, with maybe 7 pages of actual content, and a lot of page breaks.