I decided to buy this because I like both board games and the old west theme so this had to be the best of both worlds. I am certainly please with my purchase. I have up until now only read the rules but the game looks like it will be very enjoyable to play. You can read the details here on the products page or Eric Hotz website but basically you are a gold miner who hopes to finish the richest miner before the gold runs out. You achieve this by mining for gold (randomly drawing gold cards) and then performing an assigned task that must be performed in town (randomly draw a task card). An example might be "Buy an axe handle". You then wander into town trying to get that axe handle so you can get back to digging for more gold. But in town there are many attractions to get you side tracked and take away that hard earned gold. It uses dice for movement so there is a large dose of luck in the game but the theme is captured very well in my opinion. The production quality is excellent. The rules are clear with plenty of examples. They are on the long side but a "cheat sheet" is also included and I imagine after a few games you won't even need to look at the rules. The cards used in the game can be printed in colour or black and white and either would look great. Mine are in colour and they really do look good.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The theme.
The clear rules with included background and design decisions.
The production quality of the playing pieces.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I think the luck factor may be a tad high but I am sure the game will still be great fun to play.
Game length may also be an issue but you have some control by choosing how big your gold deck is before you start.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>