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Tiny Dungeon 2e Player's Guide
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Tyler C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2020 12:48:10

I am so happy that this was released. For one it is a much better option for players and it still contains everything you ned to play and run Tiny Dungeon games for those looking at taking on the role of GM. While I love Tiny Dungeons 2e I felt the original books Micro settings were not very useful as they were more ideas than fleshed out usable campaigns. I picked up five copies of this to hand out to my gaming group and we have been having a balst. This is such an easy system to teach to new players and VERY hackable. We are now on our second campaign and twelve sessions in. Many have asked me if this system can nadle a long running campaign and my answer is YES. My last campaign lasted 62 sessions of weekly Wednesday night gaming. Our newest campaign has custom classes, races and weapons that were an absolute breeze to create. Now my group is coming from D&D 5e and they were able to play through a 62 session campaign. OF course having played it so much we now have custom rules to fit our settings and campaigns and the best part is everyone in the group now takes turns running games whereas with other systems I was always the GM. In conclusion a great game with a great chasis for building it into whatever you wnat it to be without breaking the game. Happy gaming!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tiny Dungeon 2e Player's Guide
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White Box : Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game
Publisher: Seattle Hill Games
by Tyler C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/10/2019 23:35:57

I have played and run almost every OSR game out there to date. But White Box : Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game takes the cake. Charlie has really outdone himself and presented us with an amazing, easily accessable game. I also have to mention the price. This game costs less than a latte though it does sell for a higher price on Drivethru. I have used this to start several gaming clubs and introduce about 30 people to table top gaming. The new edition has improved the Thief class with a better HP progression and the monsters and spells sections are now two columns. Overall, great improvements to an already fantastic game! White Box : Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game has really inspired me as a GM and I now really look forward to running my weekly sessions after having burnt out on other systems. Easily hackable, simple to create new classes for, I haven't had this much fun gaming in years. Charlie's game has inspired me to start a blog about my home campaign which I plan on releasng in print in the near future. To see what this game can do, I invite thoses interesetd to check out my blog:

Your imaginiation is the limit! Thanks for completely renewing my interst in runing games Charlie and for getting me back in the GM seat with worlds to explore.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
White Box : Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game
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The Little Book of Adventuring Classes Vol. 1
Publisher: InfiniBadger Press
by Tyler C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2018 12:53:11

This is a wonderful little booklet chocked full of great stuff. My only issue is deciding which class to play because there are so many good ones. I cant wait for the next books, and hopefully a collected print version once they are all released. I would buy at least 6 copies for my gaming group.

Thanks for the many nights of gaming fun!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Little Book of Adventuring Classes Vol. 1
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