This blacksmithing guide is one of the best for 5e on DM's Guild as of this writing. However, that does not mean that it is perfect.
Although this implementation of Masterwork is one of the best available, providing flat +1 bonuses is somewhat against the design philosophy of 5e and also BORING. The alterations of disadvantages and limitations of armor with masterwork are much more interesting, and it would be great to see more options like that with Masterwork (like armor being much better fitting and make less noise, or the weapons being perfectly balanced and easier to fight with dual wielding or something). Future work adding more unique benefits or even weapon augmentations that could be crafted into the weapons for a higher DC would really make crafting more interesting.
As it stands, although this is one of the most solid systems it is still not very interesting and it seems like it would be a fairly flavorless diversion from the real adventure for most PCs.
One final point, given the relative lack of uniqueness in this crafting system, the price point of $1 is a bit much. If more novelty and polish were put into this system it would seem justified, but given that it is fairly vanilla it is a bit unfair to ask. It is likely that many experienced DMs will gain nothing new from reading this product.