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Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable $1.00
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Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable
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Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2019 03:38:10

The layout is bland but servicable, but lacks any illustartion. The Charts are well formated and clear. The writing style is clear and simple.

The Author makes several mistakes owing to a lack of research of the items described. The Author incorrectly describes the composite bow as "...Crafted of thin metal and fitted with pulleys...", the description of a very modern compound bow rather than the ancient and medieval composite bow which was made by cluing thin strips of wood, bone, sinew, and other materials into a composite material of great strength.
The Author instructs that the cost of raw materials be 1/3 of the market value, where as the PHB directs the cost to be 1/2 market value, he includes a production rate of 50gp of market value or part thereof per day as opposed to the PHB that sets the production rate 5gp of market value or part thereof per day (all under downtime activities page 187).

While the Author does present some ideas for thought, greater research on the subject of metal smithing, particularly on ancient and iron age smithing I feel would have made for a better product.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Richard, my apologies that the product did not meet your expectations. I appreciate the constructive criticism as it helps me to improve my product and my writing. I will commit to more in depth research prior to completing my next project which hope will meet your expectations and I would like to offer to you free upon its completion to display my dedication to improving.
Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Joel B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/01/2017 13:48:14

Excellent product. I do recommend it. Crafting rules in the 5th ed RAW are lacking in depth (or options). This takes one of the most iconic crafting skills (blacksmithing) and gives it some much needed depth. I think the DC levels are sufficient and the costs are appropriate. It adds a level of interaction to the game without being cumbersome or overpowering. There is one reason why I give it 4 stars and not 5. Jewelry making should not be included in this. It should be it's own skill. Why? Well for starters it would give players another option for customization. Another reason is that there are both jeweler's and tinker's artisan tools (albeit undefined) listed in the PHB. Let's get them into the game as well! Again though, the big takeaway here is that this is a solid, usable product for any campaign--recommend!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by linda t. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2016 09:26:44

I just print a copy of this and give it to my players who wish to create weapons and armor. It simplifies any rolls and the players can track their own creations in their downtime. Made downtime simpler for many of my players.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Matthew S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2016 19:44:16

I absolutely love the in-depth possibilities for making use of the artisan's tools for 5e. This gave my PCs reasons to make their character have the Guild Artisan background, or take the Skilled Feat for more tool proficiencies, and roleplay a tradesman that had something to offer the party. The Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable guide is well worth your money and implementation into your game. It's doesn't overpower the PCs and keeps it aligned with what the WoTC features have offered in the past relative to these types of tools. In addition to the guides for Herbalism and Alchemy, I can genuinely say the author has great ingenuity and has this customer's gratitude for sharing these ideas with us. I do hope to see more of these in the future to deal with other craft tools such as Woodcarving or Jeweler.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blacksmithing: Defined, Refined, and Usable
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/11/2016 23:22:04

This blacksmithing guide is one of the best for 5e on DM's Guild as of this writing. However, that does not mean that it is perfect.

Although this implementation of Masterwork is one of the best available, providing flat +1 bonuses is somewhat against the design philosophy of 5e and also BORING. The alterations of disadvantages and limitations of armor with masterwork are much more interesting, and it would be great to see more options like that with Masterwork (like armor being much better fitting and make less noise, or the weapons being perfectly balanced and easier to fight with dual wielding or something). Future work adding more unique benefits or even weapon augmentations that could be crafted into the weapons for a higher DC would really make crafting more interesting.

As it stands, although this is one of the most solid systems it is still not very interesting and it seems like it would be a fairly flavorless diversion from the real adventure for most PCs.

One final point, given the relative lack of uniqueness in this crafting system, the price point of $1 is a bit much. If more novelty and polish were put into this system it would seem justified, but given that it is fairly vanilla it is a bit unfair to ask. It is likely that many experienced DMs will gain nothing new from reading this product.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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