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Deterioration Furthers
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Deterioration Furthers
Publisher: Bailey Records
by Derek K. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/15/2006 00:00:00

"Deterioration Furthers" is a cleanly-recorded, nearly four-minute long composition perfectly suited for a number of different scenarios in your horror or dark-fantasy role-playing game sessions. The tempo and pacing of this piece makes it ideal for "looping" without the track becoming boring or repetitive; players and DMs will find continued inspiration in using this track.

Music can play an important part of your game, but if a DM is going to choose to utilize music, it is vital to include music that isn?t going to detract from the gaming experience. Choosing to use well-recognized music from popular movie soundtracks, like "Star Wars" or "Lord of the Rings," can immediately rip players from the original story the DM is attempting to tell and firmly place them on Tatooine or in Middle Earth. Instead, a DM can use music from less-established media products (smaller-budget or more obscure films, or even certain video games), or he or she can turn to original music.

"Deterioration Furthers" can instantly bring your game to a dark and mysterious place. The beginning of the track starts eerily, spending the first twenty-eight seconds descending into a quicker-tempo that just seems to wind itself further and further up into a moody (as the title suggests) deterioration. This lasts for just over a minute before the track changes again. Adding a sound almost reminiscent of a didjeridoo to the mix, almost another minute goes by, dragging the music (and gamers) further down into gloom. Finally, the track releases its listeners as elements of the beginning of "Deterioration Furthers" are brought back to the surface.

Characters investigating a long-forgotten dungeon or tomb? Breaking into a scientist's lab? Recovering an artifact from a museum or library? You could do far worse than to use "Deterioration Furthers" as your soundtrack for these kinds of scenes. You'd be hard pressed to do better.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: This is a versatile and functional piece of music that will lend itself to a variety of scenes and uses in your game.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: This little to dislike!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deterioration Furthers
Publisher: Bailey Records
by Mark G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/09/2006 00:00:00

?Deterioration Furthers? is a 3:51 long mp3 file that was designed for an indie horror film by Bailey Records. I believe it is intended to provide the GM of horror games with inspiration music for planning of dire adventures or as background ambience for a horror game. There is little information in the product description so I will try to bring you my take on what I am hearing. This is my first crack at reviewing an audio file at rpgnow so you will need to bear with me as I work my way through this piece.

The piece starts of with a windy, reedy sort of landscape almost thought it was made from the echoes of air whispering through wooden or metal pipes. After the first twenty seconds there is a bass drum beat followed by the sound of softer drum beats that could be march of cultist or other denizens. Except for the louder bass drum beats the music is pretty uniform in sound level until two minutes into the piece when a humming almost chanting sound takes centre stage for about a minute before fading back to the drum beats and howling of winds.

As though I was back in a middle school music class I tired to visualize what the music made me think of. The music gives me a hot feeling as though we were in a humid jungle or even a factory filled with steam pipes. The drum beats could be the beats of an ancient tribe in the performance of some ritual or even the clang of boot on heavy metal grating. There is a definite metallic sound that seems to underlie the piece making it feel more industrial than natural to me. I see this piece being used in a darkness time setting of Silent Hill hospital or school or deep jungle that receives little light.

Because the ending levels and sound are similar to the beginning it would be easy for the piece to loop for longer use or a continuous background for a longer act or scene in an horror tale.

<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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