Use addition for researching orders of battle. I got it for researching the Canadian 4th Mechabnized Brigade. All of our game group, Samos' Swordsmen 472nd RCT found it useful. Always looking to hear from former Swordsmen! Survive and Suceed!
Excellent set of rules with good background material; on a rarely covered World War II subject. Female Soviet Pilots flying NIGHT ground attack missions in military trainer biplanes. Many had hundreds of missions and seversl were awarded Russia's highest award HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION. This was no 25 missions and go home. They fought the entire war all the way from Stalingrad to Berlin The game takes into account both combat and down time. Logistics and maintenance problems as well as political officers of the NKVD. As female unit the 588th was discriminated against and look down upon; but eventually they would earn elite GUARDS unit status
I also like the system that allows for rotating who is game master; frequently; when your pilot would be out of action, do to wounds or discipline problems among other things. You take over as a staff officer or squadron commander. The character creation system allows you to flesh out your character both in the air or on the ground. Sergeants have more skill while officers have more clout. Role Playing and especially military role playing has been predominately male and this gives players a chance to recruit the ladies in a some what nontraditional role as the front line troops not support units.
One last spin off is its compatability with AFTERMATH and TWILIGHT 2000 1st edition. Due to the low tech nature of this unit some its aging veterans could still be flying or teaching others. For instance when out of bombs they dropped railroad ties
Highly recommended; their web site has additional material for air bases, npcs, and decorations in download format. My gaming group The SAMOS SWORDSMEN Chapter of the BLADE & BLASTER GAMING SOCIETY suggests you give it a try.
Survive & Succeed
Very satisfied. I started Weird Wars with Pinnacles Weird War II and have almost all the modules and variants. What made me gun shy was when Savage Worlds took over. Quite frankly they have less style and chrome in their World War II meets AD&D style of gaming.
That being said I was pleasantly surprised with their core Roman rules and Celtic, Egyptian, and Germanic Roman modules. The detail is good and historically accurate. AD&D Rome with magic and undead but with nice historical flavor. Highly reccommended by myself and the Samos's Swordsmen Chapter of the Blade & Blaster Gaming Society
A classic that old time grognards will appreciate, lots of gaming information and little to no fluff. Newer players will have problems with the lack of chrome as this comes from the era of type writers and cut & paste when you actually used paste.
Gaming variants /Articles such as Korea 78 (I was with 2nd Div at Camp Liberty Bell and Camp Hovey at the time) Panzer 46; more and better ace rules for Richtoften's War. Bar Lev and Sinai for the Mid East crowd. CA for naval buffs and a revision for one of the early first monster games WAR IN THE EAST. This mag is for players who remember SPI Simulation Publications and the original S&T Strategy & Tactics; as well only two gaming super powers AH Avalon Hill and SPI
To continue the Jutland variant had hit sheets for the US 6th Battle Squadron and naval solitaire got a boost with SPI/S&T's Wolfpack additions. Finally the enclosed game while not polished by today's standards has stood the test of time.
I have all nine issues of Jagdpanther rekeased todate and am very satisfied. They stack up well compared tomy collections of AH General, Boardgamer, BattlePlan, Challenge,Pegasus, and Strategy & Tactics. Highly recommended by me and the Samos's Swordsmen Chapter of the Blade & Blaster Gaming Society.
Yet another gaming classic from the 70's. The game variant for AH's Luftwaffe was excellent giving you all kinds of options for continuing the war to 1947 with jets and the B-36 Peacemaker. The early US intervention in AH's 1914 also had an interesting twist. 1st 2nd and 3rd Infantry, the 42nd Rainbow and 1st Cavalry all arrive early. Extra units ; divisions for AH 's Guadalcanal brought the Germans to the Pacific, Mountain Troops in the Jungle or the 82nd Airborne not going to Europe. Now some people may be put off by the less than professional appearance but this magazine is a diamond in the rough with gems for use with gaming classics. The Zeppelin Game in particular needs to be polished but is well worth your time. Blade & Blaster Gaming Society; especially its 472nd RCT Samos' Swordsmen Chapter dates back to this time and it is refreshing to see a gaming magazine with primarily gaming options, variants and games. Not authors who are full of themselves or a three quarter empty box. Old Grognards will enjoy and younger players can benefit.
I have been playing D&D since 1978 and AD&D 1st Edition since 1980 and have several book cases of gaming material collected over the years; much of which followed me all over the country and to the Korean DMZ.
I have an original hard copy of Geoffry O.Dale's INFERNO published by Judges Guild, copyright 1980, the cover price was $5.98 Oh those were the days for us old grognards.
For starters the cover was color, now it is black and white; my copy has 64 pages while the electronic version has 55; the e version has less art and the illustrations are smaller. They state the the only changes are editing and some of the missing pages are accounted for by the the reduced artwork. Bottom line if its not broke don't fix it. They would have been better off just scanning an original instead of tampering with a classic.
Complaints aside it is nice to have electronic back up for hard to acquire gaming materials and was glad to add inferno to Temple of Elemental Evil, G1/2/3 Giants, and A1/2/3/4 Slavers among other old time favorites.
Bottom line though two stars
An excellent follow up to the lead book in the series. Again while designed for Fistfull of TOWS 3 it can be used with any board game or miniature rules of the period that is platoon based. We resolved the battles with Line of Fire / World at War board games and while Combined Arms leaves much to be desired as a gaming system; it is an excellent source tables of organization and equipment information.
I also like the time line as I left active duty in 1984 and have first hand experience having served with both straight leg infantry and mechanized infantry as a company medic, both stateside and overseas. Now while I relate more to M-60A3's and M-113's as opposed to Abrams and Bradly's; I can say it portrays equipment accurately if a little optimistic on reliability of some equipment and skill of new lieutenants.
For those who like to combine role playing with miniatures or war games. This game also blend wells with Twilight 2000 First Edition and to a lesser extent Second Edition 2.2. The Third Edition 2013 is for a later time period and the game was a disappointment in any event. (One cannot lump all Special Ops from SEALS to Spetnatz together as light infantry)
The game uses Google Maps with grid overlays that greatly simplify terrain and has straight forward orders of battle. Now granted the battles portrayed in this book are more holding action and more of a side show; but that is the challenge to get the job done with a minimum amount of units and resources.
Definitely looking forward to the continuation of this series. Highly recommended by SAMOS' SWORDSMEN of the Blade & Blaster Gaming Society.
Very satisfied with this set and the follow up Goeben counters. They enlarge with no loss of detail up to 400%. Hex and rectangle format makes them compatible with most sets of rules. Ships have nice detail and battle flag markers as well. Very satisfied, highly recommended
Very nice ship miniatures for historical and what if battles. Hex and rectangle format that I have enlarged to 400% with no loss of detail. Firing arc and turning angle markers. They work well with what ever set of miniature rules you prefer. Looking forward to more naval engagement sets. I would like to see Coronel and Falklands. Highly recommended.
This looks to be the start of a good game system / series; basically it provides the maps and scenarios for whatever game system you are using. It is designed for Fistful of TOWS 3 Miniature rules, but I have found it works well for World at War (LOF) board game series as well. Both games use counters / figures that represent platoons. In addition to air and ground orders of battle, they also provide available naval forces as well, and while a bit abstract provides just enough chrome to keep the ships interesting without taking away from the ground forces, which are the games main emphasis. Now this game is also playable with GDW's Combined Arms, which is an excellent source of order of battle information but plays less smoothly. I just hope they get more modules out in a timely matter so the entire campaign can be played.
Covers the basics, useful for gamers do not care for his organizational style. Go with straight T.O.&E. not his the teeth to tail crap. Those of us who have served for real in combat arms know logistics are important so put things together properly.
Very disappointed, this product sponges off other peoples work and doesn't even complete the orders of battle; only the changes. Save your money
Good artwork and clearly written rules, if you like the Down in Flames aircraft games you will enjoy this one
My biggest gripe is no period flavor. So if you are looking to game out WE WERE SOLDIERS, pass on this one. You don't get a sense this is Nam. The game lacks detail, basically you have infantry platoons and leader counters. Mortars and Machine guns are factored into heavy weapons units. At this scale they should be shown as squads or sections. Their placement was often critical. The leaders are all the same, and as anyone who has ever served knows, all butter bars, second lieutenants, are not created equal. Same complaint with air strikes, very bland, a Sandy, Sky-raider could loiter for ever while a jet Phantom had to get in and out quickly. Finally the key to air mobile operations the helicopters are way to abstract, the landing zones are always, available and open. You wish...
On the positive side the map looks good and the variant cards add a nice touch. There are several miniature rules sets that do this battle better and more economically.
Creator Reply: |
Hello Gunther,
I know this review is old but and LnLP is under new ownership and we have been making a lot of changes. We have Updated everything from the rules, counters, maps, player aids and even added some new items. We hope you try the new edition and let us know what you think.
- LnLP |
Good basic Napoleonic s. It provides the order of battle and map all you need to have are the miniatures. Enough detail to keep it interesting without getting swamped. I used this game in combination with the RPG Duty & Honor, available from another company, to recreate the battle in the Peninsular Campaign. If you like the Sharpe books this game can definitely flesh out one his battles. God bang for the buck.