only two good features in it (the treasure and the random encounters, the rest are horrible, the dice if you add more than one dice to roll it adds them all up and gives you the total (horrible for an world of darkness games as you need the value of each dice to count a success or fail)
the name generator is garbage with names that seem to be made up by a cat walking on a keyboard (you cant even select what race or genre you are making them for)
the weather might be cool if it works, but when i select winter it keeps telling me its warm and sunny??!? and you cant chose the time of day it generates it for.
the business name sounds like they were all made for D&D only in mind.
and the npc traits are bizarre and short like : short white hair, hazel eyes, loves cats, hates politics.
for one dollar i can excuse all that junk and enjoy the only two good features but if you buy it for any of the other ones please beware.