Really cool set of minis. Even have a Tabaxi for people using Volos races. I have a use for these as NPC's mostly. Not as versaitile for me personally as other TMM packs but still the art is stellar and it was well worth the purchase.
Great Kobolds. Tons of personality to the point that my players were reluctant to start attacking them. For a short period of time :) Even has options for the new kobolds in Volo's.
Really good looking minis but also quite versitile. I have used them not only for straightforward elementals, but water weirds, mephits etc. any manner of elemental creature.
These orcs are great. Easy to cut, look great on the tabletop and they have really cool personality. I even had a player replace their character's mini with the female orc because it fit her half-orc barbarian better than the mini we were using.