I ran my party through this adventure this week, and we had a great time. I re-wrote the beginning of the adventure (the setup) because for us it's in the middle of Storm King's Thunder. One of the PCs in my party is a Cleric of Chauntea, so it worked in well. Also, I love weird monsters.
Clues were easy to find or dispense without it seeming railroady. There are lots of options.
I found a great Catoblepas cardboard mini from Trash Mob Minis on DriveThru RPG. My players didn't end up fighting the Catos, but had a great RP interaction with the Cracktooths over the Death Cheese (2 PCs in my party ended up loving it). That's a nice bit.
I also used maps from Heroic Maps (St Olfryc's Priory: Winter for the Monastery and Geomorphs: Nordendorf - Town Buildings for the town).
We had an RP-heavy session (they talked to EVERYONE) and we ended with an epic battle with a LOT of combatants on the board, and it took about 5.5 hours.
My only issues with the adventure were the lack of maps to use for minis for fights and the handouts didn't serve much of a purpose for me, especially the charter.
This adventure is a great expansion/development for Chapter 3 of Storm King's Thunder.
It really helps flesh out the Kraken Society's role in SKT, which is very under developed. This adventure (while fun in its own right) fills in some important connection to the rest of the campaign for the Kraken Society.
The NPCs are a lot of fun (especially Atalia, but I got a lot of fun political intrigue stuff out of the Waterbaron and Lady Rossolio, too).
My players loved the gambling mechanics, and we had a great scene during a sava game between a character and Atalia.
The monster/NPC cards in the back were very useful. The maps are usable, but very plain compared to some other map publishers out there (e.g., Heroic Maps).
Editing seems good. I don't remember any issues.
I would appreciate being able to search the PDF.
Great orc mini pack! These figs have great personality, like all the Trash Mob minis. Really useful set of options with male and female options, a spectacular orc shaman, and an orc skeleton. I really like that they come in green and grey/blue (LOGO fans would call it "bley"), so you can use them for orcs/orogs or different tribes, etc. Another great pack!
Excellent side/bonus adventure to drop into Chapter 3 of Storm King's Thunder. A great way to create a memorable character in Felgolos for future encounters in SKT (or of your own making). My players loved it. I ran it pretty straight. Excellent work!
Like all the Trash Mob Minis, these Kobolds are awesome! GOBS of character and LOTS of interesting options, not just the same ol' kobold with a dagger or sword (but that's there, too, when you need it). The Slinger is my fave, but love them all and the bonus lizard pet, which can be re-used as other things (Guard Drake?).
Like all the Trash Mob Minis, these Skeletons are awesome. Love the Ogre! Also, the necromancer is a cool bonus and different from your usual necromancer sort (creepy old white human dude). Just tons of character, like all the Trash Mob Mini sets. Collect 'em all!
Top notch lycanthropes pack with the usual heaps of fun and personality from Trash Mob Minis! The Wolf and Giant Rat are useful outside the lycanthropes scope and now I want to write a jungle adventure so I can use that tiger.
If I had a quibble, I would want to add a bear and werebear because they'd be more used by me than the tigers. But that's hardly a quibble. Still 5 Stars
Ths is essential for helping you wrap your head around the vastness that it SKT! It really helps you get organized, especially for Chapter 3, which is maybe the best --- but most difficult, from a DMing perspective --- part of SKT. Thanks for putting this together!
Love the Trash Mob minis! These dragons, like all his designs have TONS of character. Looking forward to future sets.
Great designs with tons of personality as with all Trash Mob Minis designs. Looking for a way to work the bone thrower into an encounter. My players WILL face a mob of these orc skeletons. They will NOT be happy about it.
Great set to use with Princes of the Apocalypse (and any other elemental encounter). LOVE the Earth Mother earth elemental! A great option for those of us tired of brown dirt elementals. I use the summoners for other kinds of spellcaster baddies, too. Good stuff, as always.
Love the personalities of Trash Mob Minis designs! They look great on the table. Good variety of goblin designs, and the zombie and skeleton can be used as gobs or just a cool variant for "regular" undeads.
Awesome set! Super useful. Reasonably priced. Love the personalities of Trash Mob Minis designs! They look great on the table.