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Cepheus Engine SRD, Modifiable Version Pay What You Want
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Cepheus Engine SRD, Modifiable Version
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Cepheus Engine SRD, Modifiable Version
Publisher: Samardan Press
by RPG [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/16/2023 15:59:24

Cut up of the Mongoose 1st edition rules with no proofreading.

Example: Space combat. A space combat turn lasts 1,000 seconds, ~15 minutes (p.150). Or is it a 6 minutes, as stated on p.156? Or is it the length of a significant action, of which you get 1 per round - "about 3 seconds" (p.111)?! Only Navigators change ship distance, Pilots change Speed (unexplained), and Engineers have no valid actions they can perform!

Please read your product at least once before publishing.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Cepheus Engine SRD, Modifiable Version
Publisher: Samardan Press
by Gerry M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2016 18:05:47

Cepheus Engine is Open Source Traveller!!!! I am very nimpressed with this system. Characters tend to go be on the lines of original Classic, Combat is slightly unique Starships are a match with Mongoose. I am a fan of Open Source Software. I use Linux MInt as a primary OS. Cepheus Engine is just that open source. I am a creature of habit and am locked into a Custom Classic Traveller Campaigns and can't shake the nostalgia from that system which is my true love. I know if I ever wanna create anyhting CE is the way to go. I truly believe Cepheus Engine is the future of old school 2D6 Sci-Fi gaming. Five Stars not only for the game contact for the freedom for us gamers from the red tape!!!!! If had to switch 100% to any game CE would be it....

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cepheus Engine SRD, Modifiable Version
Publisher: Samardan Press
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/18/2016 21:27:00

Arriving quietly and without fanfare, the Cepheus Engine may prove to be a great facilitator for the expansion of SF gaming in the future. Although billed as a system reference document - which it is - this book is fully usable as a role-playing game. Paired with a setting (such as the Cepheus Engine-compatible Orbital 2100 by Zozer Games) there are years of gaming here. The only reason it escaped a 5-star rating is that, in my opinion, it sells itself short. A little more formatting would have taken Cepheus Engine past its Traveller SRD origins and made it more table-friendly. There is no interior art, which is a plus in a generic book covering essentially the entire gamut of possibilities of SF gaming - any illustrations of environments, spacecraft, or even equipment would inevitably stunt the imagination of players and referees.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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