a small colour map of a satyr's glen with 4 random encounters. A small colour map of the cullerin fields encounter site with 4 random encounters. A small colour map of azhentarim watch post in a cavern complex and 4 random encounters.
Not a lot opf meat, but 3 sites for a £ work out at roughly 35p each.
The village of Easting, a B&W area map, 10 adventure ideas and a 19 encounter table, which includes 2 monsters from Volo's guide to monsters.
A major oversight is the absence of a village map, or any detail of places in the village.
A lot of additional work needed here.
20 Trielta Hills adventure ideas and 19 encounters, my main gripe is that 7 rely on possession of volo's guide to monters, fortunately I have this, but a warning would have been nice for those that don't. However it is cheap, so reasonable value for money
A desert planet cantina with interior, pov and exterior shots in full colour by day and night.
Excellent price.
I purchased this as part of a bundle of holding as I used to play maelstrom. This version is even better than the original all the career's are believable and I like the way abilities increase through 6 ranks, although needing 3 ranks to be competent at literacy makes it hard to develop characters that can read & write, which I suppose is what you would excpect in the dark ages
or early medieval. There is a mass of background and details on loads of herbs, this came with a variety of supporting materiel the beast of ledsham and north yourkshire moors for example.
A novel idea, but useful for belt systems. This is a 12 Kton asteroid manufacturing ship designed using mongoose traveller.
No deck plans, but reasonably priced.
16 pages of information on the marine deployment shuttle, 1 page of cost breakdown and 1 page of a deckplan. Covers the organisation of a marine assault force, operations, boarding and inspections and variants, there are no deck plans of variants, so rated at 4 rather than 5.
Otherwise excellent value for money for a new small craft type.
Rules to play your own Hornblower, Aubrey or even start as a midshipman and work your way up through the ranks (Promotions and Prizes), aimed at British or US officers, although I guess you could play a privateer (or pirate even) from any nationality.
There are also rules for a fully fledged minatures game (Heart of Oak booklet) and desgning your own ships (Tradition of Victory).
There is a mass of background detail and a timeline from 1754 to 1827 and price lists for Britain and the US.
Excellent value for money.
Covers civilian and military craft from small 10 ton drones to a 2 kton Large Freighter. I love the TL8 antigue fighter and TL9 'Junk' Fighter for low tech planetary navies.
The largest military craft are the 1 Kton Chrysantheum and Fer de Lance DE's.
A great work, allthe deck plans are B&W though.
product as described in the blurb, excellent value for money
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Free caribbean campaign set up usable with any set of rules nesides the publishers.
Does what it says on the tin at a very cheap price.
Pretty much an essential purchase for Mongoose Traveller. Tons of equipment, robots, weapons and armour.
Huge! Five colour sector maps, rules for exploration ships. Purchased via Kickstarter. and included 3 adventures
Virtually every type of ship imaginable and a few I couldn't. Adventures all round the world. New OCC's for waterborne adventures.
Beware the Deomon ships!