Overall, this PC class for the d20 Fantasy system really isn't all that bad--a little basic, perhaps, but at least I can see where author David Woodrum was going. To summarize, the Wrestler is a stronger, more durable, more specialized version of the default OGL Monk with a Class Initiative Bonus at every odd level after 1st (and at 20th level), a Bonus Feat at every even level, and proficiency with only simple melee weapons and light armor. However, I think this class would have been more useful if Woodrum had gone into detail and listed which feats were available to the Wrestler as Bonus Feats as well as introduce fitting original Bonus Feats for him/her. Off the top of my head, Submission Master, Death From Above/Aerial Assault, Cheap Shot, Hard Knocks, and Shake It Off all seem like plausible candidates. Secondly, how about Signature Move and Finisher as class features to make the class look less generic? Also, the Unarmed Damage for large wrestlers seems a wee bit overpowered in comparison to medium and small wrestlers, especially considering how much stronger large-sized PCs are in comparison. I also would have liked to see a moves list and a Maneuver Performance System similar to the fighting system presented in Wizards of the Coast's own Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords.
All in all, Fantasy Hero Classes: The Wrestler isn't a bad PDF at all, although the PC class it features could have been fleshed out more.