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Blood & Bile
Publisher: Zadmar Games
by Nathan C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2018 09:37:07

A nice rules-lite system that can be run without a GM. You will need plenty of d6 but the results are worth it! There are three stats that are represented by different color dice. Creating characters is simple and intuitive using this method and you can get to the game quickly. My favorite part about this game (besides the incredible art and layout) is the premise. You're vampires during a zombie apocalypse! It's such a simple concept but has plenty to work with! Definitely worth a look!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blood & Bile
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Dyson Logos Commercial Map Pack 1
Publisher: ZERObarrier
by Nathan C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2018 14:28:16

This collection contains all of the maps from the Dyson Logos web site that are free for commercial use. While you can peruse the blogs on the web site to download, buying this pack is convenient, easy to flip through, and more importantly, it supports a fantastic artist. The dungeon design and cartography captures that perfect old school flair and is incredibly professional.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dyson Logos Commercial Map Pack 1
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Saga of the Goblin Horde (Savage Worlds Deluxe)
Publisher: Zadmar Games
by Nathan C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/23/2017 21:35:56

Saga of the Goblin Horde is a creative twist on fantasy gaming, the players taking on the roles of goblins. But players aren't simple, run of the mill goblins, instead they can be Bugbears, Gremlins, and even mutated goblins! To make it even better, players are goblin bosses, bullying and pushing their minions about.

There are so many choices to really flesh out a character. The level of depth in this book is insane given the page count. There are generators for goblin names and knick knacks, plenty of solid Edges and absolutley fantastic setting rules. Setting Rules are one of my favorite parts about Savage Worlds as small changes can lead to huge, flavorful results. SotGH has wonderful rules that help really convey the feel of the setting, I'm a huge fan of "Meat Shield" in particular.

All in all this is a fantastic setting if you want to try something a little different that still has a solid fantasy feel. And to top it off, it's free!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Saga of the Goblin Horde (Savage Worlds Deluxe)
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Gold&Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons (Deluxe)
Publisher: SpaceOrange42
by Nathan C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2017 16:45:33

My first roleplaying experience was like many others in the form of a dungeon crawler. Over time I grew away from the systems that typically portrayed these and found my way to Savage Worlds. While SW is an amazing system, it always lacked a certain nostalgia that I had for dungeon crawls and their ilk. I can now officially say that this is no longer the case as Gold & Glory scratches the old school fantasy itch incredibly well.

At first I thought that this would handle random dungeon creation with several example dungeons, and while it does so splendidly, the first 50ish pages include fast and random character creation, gear, rules to tweak the Magic and Miracles backgrounds to better reflect that D&D feel, easy encumberance rules, and some other nifty setting rules. I was expecting a random dungeon generator, what I got was that and so much more.

As a bonus, I think that this product is fantastic for GMs new to Savage Worlds, particularly the monsters found in the book. Many of them simply use the stats of a beasty from the core rules with a few changes to give a whole new feel to the creature. It captures the essence of trappings, something I really like about Savage Worlds as a whole.

All in all, if you love SW and want it to have that classic door-bashing, gold-stealing action, look no further.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gold&Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons (Deluxe)
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Octavirate Stock Collection 11: Monsters and Aliens
Publisher: Octavirate Games
by Nathan C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2016 20:15:44

This is a solid product for publishers with a variety of beasties. I was a little nervous to purchase at first as the preview link was dead. I wasn't sure what I would get, however all of those fears were put aside when I got to see the product upon purchase. Definitely worth the money. A few of the images were a bit too heavy on the cartoon side of design for my purposes. Still, a good investment in which I plan on getting quite a bit of longevity out of.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Octavirate Stock Collection 11: Monsters and Aliens
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NPC (Non Player Compendium): Volume 1
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Nathan C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2012 23:00:16

When I hear the word "compendium" I assume that it will actually contain more than 16 pages... apparently I was wrong. This pdf only contains a few NPCs and some base thoughts and rules on them. Granted it IS only three dollars but there are much better products containing much more content for the same price.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
NPC (Non Player Compendium): Volume 1
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