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Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions $11.96
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Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions
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Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Vernon A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2006 00:00:00

I recently read this. It contains some interesting organization that are multiplanar in scope. You can insert these into any campaign you want. Well worth the money. Watch out some of these organizations are powerful.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Chris G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/30/2006 00:00:00

Planar Factions

Some books when I get them I flip right to the rules, the feats, the spells, the prestige classes. Other books I have to get comfortable because I know I am going to read them front to back, cover to cover. These are the books that are filled with ideas and not so much on the rules. These are the books that I want to use in my campaign for they contain inspiration and not items to be slapped on a character or an opponent. I like the books that get my creative juices flowing, that show me ideas I did not think of on my own and allow me to use them with ease. Planar Factions is such a book. The PDF comes in a small zip file of less then two megs and even unzipped still does not reach two megs. That is some really good compression for a book that is one hundred and twenty nine pages long. The book is well book marked like I have come to expect from Ronin Arts. The layout is good and simple making it easy to print. There is no art in the book making it packed to the brim, but the layout spaces things out nicely making it easy to read, Planar Factions is a collection of twelve different factions that span the many worlds. Each faction is also available as an individual PDF so people can buy only the ones they want or get all of them together. The factions are described as existing across many worlds but the worlds are left general enough that to fit anyone?s campaign. This book does not assume any type of cosmology and can work equally well with Manual of the Planes, Book of the Planes, Beyond Countless Doorways, and Edge of Infinity. The DM will need to figure which planes from those books work the best but there is nothing in here that will make it tough for the DM. Each plane is described with some common features. Each has size, alignment/ purpose, approximate class breakdown, resources, central headquarters, and known enemies. All of these are done well except for size. Population of different worlds and campaigns can vary drastically. One of the factions has size colossal of over a thousand members. To me a thousand people is not colossal in size. I would have preferred instead to just have the words and then briefly talk about what that size should be and let the DM choose exact numbers. Obviously, this is not a very big complaint and is something simple for DMs to change. The first faction is called the Eternal Flame, and one should expect full spoilers. They are a faction that comes into a world and helps first destroy the evil races and then the evil organizations like thieves guild. They help get rid of corruption in the government and stop the evil gods. They keep expanding what they consider to be evil and wrong until they usurp the government and have their own secret police. The organization is actually evil and patient. They will root out other evils over the course of many years or decades becoming very popular all the while slowly increasing their own power and influence. I like the idea but it seems a simple detect evil will thwart this. To battle this there is a spell that does allow them to mask and fool alignment detection. There is also a spell to trick divine casters into getting their spells from the evil source instead of their own god. It is an interesting idea but it takes advantage of details not covered in the game like if the cleric could tell where their power comes from and the normal black and white nature of detect spells. As a player I might feel a little cheated being fooled like that. So, while they are a very interesting group a DM might want to be careful in using them and to what level they are able to fool the players. The Gur-Tannan area much more straight forward faction. They worship an old and evil god and quite simple want to conquer everything. They either kill the people they conquer or force them to worship and serve in their armies. While they are military in nature I find it odd that they would be Chaotic Evil. I do not see the type of organization this group needs coming out of that alignment. One of the great things is that this organization is nicely described and can be used just as another church. Their rituals and customs are written about making them easier to use. The Midnight Dawn braves the age old question: Is it evil to use undead to fight evil? They don?t think so, but it is presented that many others do. Very simply they believe life is too important to risk people fighting evil when one can so easily animate dead bodies to do so. What I really like is there are new spells so these Lawful Good clerics and Paladins can use evil spells to animate the dead and be protected from the negative energy affecting their alignment. The best thing about this is the answer becomes yes it is evil, unless you are part of the Midnight Dawn and has their protections. The Mythmakers I think have the greatest potential to be used with ease, have a lot of fun with, and cause the players quite a few headaches. Quite simply they make heroes out of people. They record the great deeds people do and spread around the stories. But they do not stop there. They set up attacks on towns so the would be heroes can save people, they cause natural disasters and other problems so the heroes can do the good work and people can see it first hand. And they do it all for a very reasonable price. This is my personal favorite faction of them all. The Obsidian League is another simple organization. They area merchant guide and they make money hands over fist. They find places where an item is cheap and ship it to a place where it is rare and make money. They are power hungry and driven by one large family. This is a good group that can really have a lot of effect in the background and cause a lot of problems or solve them with money or with importing the right things. They could be a great connection for a rogue or for someone who crafts magical items and needs rare and hard to get items. The Poison Tide is another simple, yet deadly group. They are the creatures that exist underwater and they want to find a way to make everything underwater. What I like is the author admits straight up the severe limitations of this group and the fact they really have no idea how to actually achieve their final goal. The conduct raids on costal communities and disrupt shipping lanes. They can make a really good annoying and hard to defeat enemy in a campaign. But since they are rather limited to the water they can easily be avoided depending on the terrain of the world. The Silent Hand and the Risen League are more like two factions in one. They are also a nice behind the scenes faction that are really preparing for something beyond the scope of anyone. They are preparing to stop the final apocalypse. What that will be is not discussed but the current methods are. The Risen League is a mercenary army that spans many worlds and the Silent Hand are trying to gain influence in every court and every nation prepared to use the influence to help when the final battle is upon them. In the means time they area bit power hungry and corrupt using any means to achieve power. I think it would be very interesting to have them preparing to face off in the Blood War personally but there are many interesting scenarios that a DM can think of for what the final apocalypse will be. The Steadfast Order of the Shapers of the Earthen Splendor are a factions trying to unlock all the mysteries of magic. They hold great power over magic?s that they really have no desire to share with anyone. They are not a secret organization but do keep their methods and discovers very secret. While it is not suggested in the text, they are a great way to introduce some of the less common arcane classes from books like Complete Arcane, Occult Lore, Magic, and any of the other thousand books that has new types of magic in them. The book does suggest that many of the dungeons and underground complexes people explore are built by these guys. There are some cool new feats they have access to; to show the kinds of knowledge they have to offer their members. The Twice Born is another fun faction that can be a bit of a pain in the butt for PCs. They do not like the idea of extinction no matter what the cause and they will revive a lost race or re introduce a species back into the world that has been extinct for millennia or longer if they can. They do not care what the result of these creatures being placed back into the world may be. I will admit that I have had druids in my own games protect species from extinction but I never took it to this extent. This can be another fun group who the players can befriend or oppose. The Twilight Empire is a planar spanning thief?s guild. They make a great hidden adversary for they hold grudges, are very secretive, and the players can run into them many times without realizing the connection. One interesting thing is they do not kill for money, a nice yet simple touch to this organization. They will kill to get a job done or to get rid of someone in their way; but do not kill for hire. There is also a really cool idea behind the guild and one that is so secretive, I dare not even print it here. The Twilight Empire is surely reading even this. The Vault of Souls is another fun organization that the players can be great friends with and then become their worst enemies very easily. They believe in the sanctity of death. They are a great fighter of the undead. But they also hunto down those that have escaped death and been resurrected. There is actually a very similar group in Touched by the Gods and combining both of them into one faction should be highly beneficial. The Wild Hunt is another good faction that can make for some very interesting encounters. They are hunters and they will hunt anything and anybody. They are great explorers and for the right price will assist in the hinting of anything. They are the smallest faction but can really be encountered anywhere at any time making them very versatile and easy to use. The twelve factions here are very well described and should be easy to use. They can serve as the major backdrop and plot of a campaign or just an interesting side trek for a party to discover. There are many good plot ideas that a DM can make use of as all the planar organizations have long reaching goals and very ambitious means to get them accomplished.

<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Highly creative and easy to use<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Joel T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/24/2005 00:00:00

The factions described in this PDF are very evocative. I plan to use a number of them even in non-planar campaigns. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Gregory H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2005 00:00:00

I was very pleasantly surprised by this product. I was expecting some good ideas that I would have to develop on, but what I got were quite a few very well fleshed-out organizations. Will I use every one of them in my game world? No. But a lot of them will fit right in, and the depth with which they are covered allows it to happen fairly easily. This product was well worth what I paid for it.

Kudos to the author for being elaborate and imaginative, without going overboard in the kinds of details that could have limited the books flexibility. On an individual note, I particularly am fond of The Poison Tide and The Twice Born.

Overall, I have to say this was a quality product.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: I especially liked the adaptability. The abundent depth and detail is mostly related to the history, structure, and nature of the organizations rather than a lot of statistical details. The numbers and game mechanics, while provided, can be set aside for those of us using other gaming systems and the sheer storytelling content is still worth every penny.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: A couple of the groups were a bit obscure for use in most campaign settings, although they still make for a fun read, and could apply to certain games. One or two, such as The Eternal Flame, were also just new variants on old ideas from either fantasy (c.f. Robert Jordan's 'White Cloaks') or reality (c.f. the Spanish Inquisition).<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Alan K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2004 00:00:00

Another planar product from Ronin arts. Surely, these are good times for us planar cutters!

Each faction is covered in extensive detail. However, those of you that are fearful of a prestige class for every organization will be happy to hear that not all of the factions provide prestige classes. But the author does package a few "crunch" (game mechanics) goodies in each one.

Those coming from a planescape background might be expecting something slightly different when they hear the term "faction". Some of these resemble the philosophical trappings of planescape factions, but others are more minor sects or secret societies. Regardless, if you have a planar campaign (or a campaign that might be touched by planar action), there is good material here for you to draw campaign ideas from.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Good ideas and good support material<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: A little plain. There are some aspects of the text that don't mesh with the mechanics. I did speak with the author about some of these, and hopefully he'll make a revised PDF soon. (hint!)<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lions Den Press: Secrets of the Planes -- Planar Factions
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Jeffrey P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2004 00:00:00

Disclaimer: I personally know the author. While this might seem like I would be more favorable to his work, Ari and everyone else that know me, knows this means that I will be much harsher than normal since he will have ample opportunity to punch me out ;)

I love to collect "Planar" books and really enjoyed Malhavoc's Countless Doorways. That product could easily be used as a collection of campaign primers that could keep a gaming group busy for years besides a Planar travel book.

I have to say that Ari has done something very similar here. If not every single faction is of use to you, using them individually can provide for a very large plot thread in any existing campaign.

The weakest of the factions, IMHO, are the Mythmakers. While imaginative, it just seems a great deal more convoluted than I would have expected from the author.

The strongest and most likely to cause friends or foes among player characters are the Vault of Souls. They should be very handy at throwing in a monkey-wrench into any resurrections the party has in mind (past or present).

Note to self: Have Ari run a game as a DM instead of bumming a ride as a player all the time. The "Heaven and Hell" campaign idea is still floating out there for you.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Very diverse, interesting, and well fleshed out entries<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Cannot use any of it since author is playing in my campaign<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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