I try to play solo rpgs but find it hard to begin. Crusader's Chronicle #1 articles "Solo gaming and the Seat of the Pants Game" & "The Dungeon Generator" that followed gave me the nudge to start. I created my dungeon using the tables. I then made my party of four using the C&C players manual & went into the dungeon.
It used to be a Celestial Temple that may have divine relics but in recent history is rumored to seal an Evil entity. The latter sealed Evil plot I did not care so I re-rolled and... yeah same result (spooky). I used a monster table in the castle keepers guide and my first chamber encountered and defeated 4 grey elves. This chamber and the next empty room contain treasure (using the dungeon generator I rolled up these results). I've yet to look up the tables yet for what said treasure is (C&C Monster Treasure to be consulted). I'll get back to it but wanted to quickly review the zine first.
I am sure that other zines and games do much the same as this issue (I know so for they are on my shelf). This just inspired me pretty much on the spot. I am a pretty big fan of Castles and Crusades as well as The Basic Expert's YouTube channel so yeah figured it'd be worth the money to check out. I've yet to finish the issue but will read the sample dungeon and a short story by Robert E Howard (public domain work) later tonight. I did purchase the other pdf issues available here and look forward to delving into them asap. I recommend this issue for solo players. The rest of the zines... well will give a review once I complete them. Oh, the author states he is also a fan of Oe so if C&C is not your system basically any system Oe to 5e would work with the dungeon generator. This is my first review and hope it was helpful.