Your artwork is always phenomenal, sir. I always look forward to your releases
I really wish I had gotten these earlier. They populate my Toppi Saloon quite well. Thanks for another quality set
Well balanced set. Five building colors, two styles of roof, many options for windows and doors, plus ground tiles, small bridge and a well.
A great value
This is absolutely stunning. I've not built one, yet, because there are so many options. Instructions look good. It looks like parts should fit well.
Now it's up to me to decide which options to use. Every way that I've set it up so far look great
Thoroughly enjoyable set. The artwork is absolutely beautiful.
I really like Kev's basing style
Loaded with character. I wish I had purchased the Full Set, though. I still may
Beautiful pieces. I really like that there is an advanced model available for those who want that and an easier version for those who want to have something fast.
As usual, the artwork is amazing
Always delightful. These little gems really help to give character to your Edo-era settings
This was very timely, as I needed a quick Santa sleigh set.
The Permes artwork is always first rate, and the bonus decorations was an excellent addition. I have a soon-to-be step-granddaughter who likes building things with me, so we did a couple tree decorations.
Thanks. Excellent work, as always
I thoroughly enjoyed this ... once I figured out the textures I wanted to use
A great little filler building for the village. And you can't beat the price. Thank you
Holy Smokes, this is handy. I've made several in order to store my tiles in a handy labeled fashion.
Such a wonderful Sci Fi/ Near Future vehicle. I have to confess to doing some kitbashes, but it really lends itself to that. I've done these as scouts and light support. Even turned one into a follow me car.
I hope to see more vehicles of similar quality.
Outstanding figures. Full of character. The artwork is spectacular!
And the art book that comes with it is phenomenal. Being able to follow the development of each figure and have a high quality image is something that I've been looking forward to with each release. The art book is something that goes beyond expectations.
Highly recommended
Kev's figures are among the best in the marketplace. The artbook showing the development of each figure is a bonus beyond expectations. I always look forward to each release.