This is an absolutely exceptional guide with absolutely boatloads of information that has been put together with a serious amount of thought and passion.
I absolutely love Curse of Strahd and never wanted to leave the misty borders of Barovia, but with the information provided in this absoutely huge tome, I am excited to take my game all over the Domains of Dread and experiment with all the weird and wonderful things this supplement provides.
I am not joking about how huge it is, and that is actually chocked full of content, rather than lots of advertising padding.
If you are runnign Curse of Strahd, anything Ravenloft or any kind of Gothic and/ or Horror themed game, then I implore you to check this out! The amount of archetypes, spells, feats and variant races are worth picking this up alone, whatever you are playing.
I'm going to be running a game set in the M:tg plane of Innistrad and I found myself restricting certain classes and races for the setting, and this has given me so much more to offer my players when we get to our session 0.
The information is laid out well with great detail. I have been blown away and I am still wading through all the information.
I don't often spend more than a few bucks on here for material from creators, but I am extremely glad I took the plunge on this! Definitely worth every eletrum! Plus I thought it was so good, I went back and bought the first archetype book too, which is also great.
Thank you. Good hunting and happy gaming :)