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Above the Clouds!
Publisher: GT Publishing
by Martin G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/16/2024 12:43:22

Bought this set a couple of months back and we have thoroughly enjoyed them. Played about 8 games now, themed around Guadalcanal or the Battle of Britain. We think the rules sit just right between simulation and playable game. Plenty of detail but the game still speeds along. We've had games with 2 players and 6 aircraft on the table, up to 4 players and 23 aircraft on the table. The scenarios are great too, and the pre-game deployment and Observation/Initiative Point spending is like a mini pre-game in itself to try to get the drop on your opponent before the game starts. Highly recommended, if you join the Facebook group the author pops up now and again to help with queries as well. MG

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Above the Clouds!
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Fire As She Bears! 2nd Edition (2.1)
Publisher: Starboard Tack Press
by Martin G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2022 05:51:35

Played our first game and loved it. Great for Fleet actions. Rewards historical tactics rather than forcing you to use them. Would have been a 5 star for gameplay, but the rules are sometimes difficult to flick through and find the section you want, needs an index. Other than that, superb.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fire As She Bears! 2nd Edition (2.1)
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