Unfortunately, while this product has a couple of good ideas, it is a lacking product. I do applaud the effort of the author but there are shortcomings in this product that are hard to overlook (you can see more in the discussion section). I suggest to people to take the advice of the author and look for the free sample and judge whether this product is good for their table or not. If you find that this product could work for you, then by all means go for it as the author put effort in this.
The good part: There is advice in the end of the product about scaling difficulty and use of monsters of various roles. This advice is useful.
The Seers book is one of the best accessories for mage, in my opinion. For those that have moved on to the 2nd edition, most of the content can be used with the 2nd edition too. The writting is good and interesting, the factions are well explained without being too long and there are tons of things you can use the Seers for.
Seers are more than "bad mages" and that book makes clear of that.
There are also ideas for Seer players. Not Pentacle-Seer cabals, but for Seer Pylons.
But... yeah, the Seers are in general, evil and should be used as antagonists.
Short version: I am very happy with my purchase.
Longer version: This accessory contains dozens of fun and well thought NPCs presented in a nice format with the occasional story thrown in. It is an improved version of the Versatile NPCs book (although it doesn't contain all those NPCs, which is a pity as some were lovely NPCs). Each NPC is well presented and autonomous. You don't need other books although in some cases they would help.
While the 35 NPCs was an excellent product, this one is better. 5 stars.
If I have a single slight criticism, is that I miss the customize NPCs image with the arrow and the example. Don't get me wrong! The book still contains suggestions on how to move from "generic" stock stats to individual NPCs but the example with the drow was better IMO.
It is very easy to customize these NPCs. I.e. instead of studded leather armor, you give the NPC chain shirt and lower dex by 2. Or not; the CR of those NPCs is in the middle of the path so it will be roughly the same even if you add or subtract 1 AC or 1 hr.
In my opinion, one of the best illustrations by Matthew Richmond. If you like his style and you would like a haughty looking female elf wizard, look no further.
Another high quality and useful set of pictures. Matthew Richmond keeps delivering high quality products that would be of use in a variety of situations, from giving avatars to your characters, putting a face to NPCs, or using as art in DMGuild projects.
Simply astonishing work at a bargain prize. If you want to impress your players with artistic style, drop the giant of your choice in a baground image to give a boost to your players' imagination. Of course, if you think to make adventures for the DMGuild that include giants, these images will serve you well.
As an added bonus, the size of the human next to the giants helps to define their size. You can see that the Cloud and Storm giants are bigger than castles...
Very good work, again. Thank you Matthew Richmond.
Another excellent product, where you see what you buy. The halfling rogue and the human rogue are rounding up my ever-growing collection and I just bought the Tormite paladin too.
I have to admit that half the times I check products for DMGuild is to see if Matthew Richmond has produced any more colorful characters to populate my world with.
Another quality product, where you see what you buy: Quality images of bandits, ruffians or just lightly armored people.
To the artist I have to say: Keep up the good work!
A nice product as always. No surprises. You see what you buy: guards/mercs/bandits in very high quality. The rank and file of armies, brigands, watchmen etc.
5 out 5 spears.
A very nice product! The only thing I would miss, is an accompanying pdf that gives scale (at least roughly) and the explanations found in this page along with rough population estimate (even if it is "3000-5000 people")
A useful, high quality product that can enhance one's art folio whether it's for the DMGuild or for making a nice wallpaper.
Some of the maps are nice, but many are just too small (8x8 squares).
That would be useful. Most people can find some use for dragons. Thank you very much.
About the product: High quality, large, nice dragon digital images. You see what you buy in the product's page.
This -free- product is well written. It explains which optional rules from the game this DM uses and why and lists a few rules of his own. With some rules I agree, with some I disagree but your opinion may vary. However, this is free. You have nothing to lose by reading it.