I love the concept of a world run by dragons, but this roleplaying book takes harmony and friendship to an extreme virtues angle and divine intervention.
<p>The game revolves around the concept of "Darkness" as a corrupting shadow that once threatened Dragonia and has now returned. This is not a physical entity but rather a manifestation of negative traits like selfishness, greed, and pride. It is tasked by elder dragons to newborns to investigate without public knowledge.</p>
The game encourages players to work together and emphasizes the value of friendship as players protect Dragonia and help its inhabitants from this ‘Darkness’ that has resurfaced again.
Like a clash between classical dragons of old stories and this new age of culture and though.
In the game lore, dragons do not have sex or gender, and they use gender-neutral pronouns (e.g., "dre"). There is no natural family structure. Instead, dragons are families by bond of affinity.
Dragons must form an ‘affinity clutch’, which is a group of dragons sponsored by elder dragons. This group is dedicated to caring for one another, and upon approval, they are granted the privilege of yielding eggs from a magical Hatchery and looked after by Guardian plants. These plants then sort dragons into Great Houses.
Each institutional house has charged with caring for the land and maintaining strongholds built in honor of older, influential dragonkin, protecting and serving Dragonia in their own way.
Magic is granted by 5 moons, which dragons must give gems to each other to use powers, not grant them yourself. The moons are derived from virtue and wellbeing to chaos and destruction.
There is this odd reward system that emphasizes Virtues among friends.
Each player holds 10 gems of a colour. Players give each other gems based on their virtuous actions. If a game move requires you to roll +Friendship Gems, you count the number of gems you have from a specific clutchmate and add that number to your roll. You return Gems when performing a moon magic move.
Players who are more active or vocal might receive more gems, leading to a disparity in the power to influence the game’s outcomes. The system relies heavily on subjective judgment. What one player considers a virtuous action worthy of a gem, another might not. This subjectivity could lead to inconsistencies in how gems are awarded, potentially causing friction among players.
There is not much to the world itself. There is history, grand houses, and a central capital on a large continental landmass. The map is blank and uncharted, so it up to the GM and Players to make up the world itself.
All actions are described as Moves and Triggers. Players gain experience points through failed rolls. Main story goals are known as ‘Agendas’.
Dragons can be wounded physically or emotionally, which contributes to Darkness. There seems to be a forceful negative interaction among players when your own darkness reaches curtain thresholds. Maximum Shadow turns players into Shadowself, and you can no longer receive gems. However, you can now use Shadow Magic and can accomplish significant feats, without help. You can return from your Shadowself when a player convinces you to humble yourself and acknowledge what you have become. Each dragon architype has its own way of returning to normal.
At the end of game sessions there is a moral of the story questions and answer round about all your actions and what you learned, like a ‘My little Pony’ end of an episode.