Another fifty spells as a follow-up to the previous product (Blasphemous Secrets and More Forbidden Lore). Many of the same delights and warnings apply to this product -- fun spell names, good distribution of levels, and questionable power of some of the spells.
This offering provides some Druid, Ranger, and even an Assassin spell into the general mix. As with the previous product, most of the spells are aimed at Wizards/Sorcerers, but there are goodly number of Cleric, Bard, and Ranger spells. And, just as before, the level distributions skews slightly in favour of the lower spell levels (0-3), but since these get more "play time" than the higher levels, I like this.
Once again you will need to watch for specific spells. A few of them are overpowered, a few are underpowered (fewer), and some just might not fit with your notion of what magic is all about in your world. With judicious reading by a GM, however, the few bad apples will be weeded out swiftly.
Once again, I have to point out the titles of some of the spells: Bow Before Your True Master, The Moon Is Angry, Find Me The Greatest Smith In The Land, and The Weaver's Unwelcome Guest are just a sampling of the imaginative titles. Personally I prefer such titles to the rather more generic and bland titles such as "Magic Missile" and "Dispel Magic", but that is a matter of taste.
Overall, I think this is product is a good bargain, with the provisos listed above.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Fun spell names, good range of spell levels, three files in one (Portrait, Landscape, Printer Friendly)<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Questionable application of some spell creation principles. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>